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[cdt-dev] CDT Error Parsers and the CDT Build Console


I am currently trying to get my build output (GCC) parsed by the CDT
Error Parsers in the default console but not having any success yet.
Given the following example:

final IConsole console = CCorePlugin.getDefault().getConsole();
final OutputStream consoleOutput = console.getOutputStream();
console.write(/* GCC output written into the console */);

How can I make sure that activated Error Parsers do their work on the
output shown?

The GCC I am using is externally started and its output is forwarded
to the CDT Build Console using the OutputStream as shown above. The
project has its CDT natures set and I tried to compile some erroneous
C-files to make sure that some lines in the GCC output contain typical
"error:" statements. However, none of these are highlighted.

Could you please give me a hint on how to achieve my goal?

Thanks for your help,

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