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Re: [cdt-dev] Remote GDB

Hello Jonah,

Yes i compile my code on Linux, and i develop on my local machine.

When i try to insert break point on GDB prompt it shows this relative path.

~"Breakpoint 7 at 0x8667226: file    ../../src/externalControl.c, line 1182

I have tried setting the compilation directory in the source lookup path. Which makes the breakpoint work for externalControl.c
But the if i try to set breakpoint for another file which is present under different folder hirearchy   /src/flow/FlowControl.c
In that case again i am unable to set the break point from C/C++ editor.
Where as when i try again from the GDB prompt using file name FlowControl.c, i am able to set it successfully.

~"Breakpoint 8 at 0x8684226: file    ../../../src/flow/FlowControl.c, line 174

The only difference is that the folder level it went up. 
In case of second file it's 3 level ../../../
In case of first file it's 2 level ../../

Hence i believe i need to set compilation directory for each and every file as per their location. This is quite troublesome, as the dependent code files are location under different folder hierarchy. 

Any solution for this ?

Or if you can guide me about the plugin where this file path is formed, which is passed to GDB for setting breakpoint then probably i can override the code to make it pass only file name in my case. 


I have tried putting the compilation 

On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 1:19 AM, Jonah Graham <jonah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Vishal,

Sadly, contrary to expectations, Project does not mean what you expect
it to mean for source lookup. Once upon a time it did when everything
operated on file names with no paths. But as software grew bigger
everything has progressively moved from file names to full paths.

Has your code been moved from where it was originally compiled? i.e.
does your compilation path match your local path? In other words what
was the full path to externalControl.c when you compiled it?

If the full path when you compiled it was
/b/vishal/FlowControl/src/externalControl.c then you need to do is
create a "Path Mapping" from your compilation directory to where the
code is now.

To help you figure it out, when you do  "break externalControl.c:1882"
what does GDB answer with, does it tell you the path it inserted on
(i.e .break inserted at /path/to/externalControl.c....)? In the GDB
traces may be extra info too, if you post that I can help.

Thanks for taking the time to work with me on this. The more data
points I get on this, the better the end result.

Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders Ltd.

On 23 May 2016 at 19:47, Vishal Gupta <vishal.vit@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello Jonah,
> I am still on Luna. I am using it on my MAC. In the source lookup, my
> project is configured as the first item.
> I am using Remote GDB session.
> In the GDB Trace Console, I can see that whenever is am trying to set a
> break point in the code file. (externalControl.c)
> 487,596 25-break-insert --thread-group i1 -f
> /b/vishal/FlowControl/src/externalControl.c:1882
> 487,709 &"No source file named
> /b/vishal/FlowControl/src/externalControl.c.\n"
> Where as if i try to set the breakpoint manually in the GDB console using
> the file name "break externalControl.c:1882" , I am able to set the break
> point.
> Hence i am looking towards an option where i can specify eclipse to use the
> file name in place of the complete file path while setting the break point.
> I tried looking into the org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.gdb plugin, but i was not able
> to figure out, how and where should this change be made/handled.
> Thanks,
> Vishal
> On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 11:51 PM, Jonah Graham <jonah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Hi Vishal,
>> Can you elaborate on the problem a little bit please?
>> The basic idea is you configure the source lookup of the Launch
>> Configuration by choosing the Source tab in the launch configuration.
>> Choose a Mapping source container type, enter the compilation path and
>> the local path and launch your debug session.
>> Are you using Eclipse Neon / CDT 9.0 (which is soon to be released)?
>> If so, there have been some improvements to source lookup to make it
>> handle more situations[1].
>> Thanks,
>> Jonah
>> [1]
>> ~~~
>> Jonah Graham
>> Kichwa Coders Ltd.
>> On 23 May 2016 at 18:49, Vishal Gupta <vishal.vit@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > Hello All,
>> >
>> > Could you please guide me how to make the GDB (DSF) Automatic Remote
>> > Debugger launcher to use the File name to set the break point. Currently
>> > it
>> > uses the complete file path to set the break point. Which is not getting
>> > resolved.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Vishal
>> >
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