Hello Jonah,
Yes i compile my code on Linux, and i develop on my local machine.
When i try to insert break point on GDB prompt it shows this relative path.
~"Breakpoint 7 at 0x8667226: file ../../src/externalControl.c, line 1182
I have tried setting the compilation directory in the source lookup path. Which makes the breakpoint work for externalControl.c
But the if i try to set breakpoint for another file which is present under different folder hirearchy /src/flow/FlowControl.c
In that case again i am unable to set the break point from C/C++ editor.
Where as when i try again from the GDB prompt using file name FlowControl.c, i am able to set it successfully.
~"Breakpoint 8 at 0x8684226: file ../../../src/flow/FlowControl.c, line 174
The only difference is that the folder level it went up.
In case of second file it's 3 level ../../../
In case of first file it's 2 level ../../
Hence i believe i need to set compilation directory for each and every file as per their location. This is quite troublesome, as the dependent code files are location under different folder hierarchy.
Any solution for this ?
Or if you can guide me about the plugin where this file path is formed, which is passed to GDB for setting breakpoint then probably i can override the code to make it pass only file name in my case.
I have tried putting the compilation