I posted this question and got some input. But that was for a specific case when I know the string is an _expression_. I would like to have a code that can take a String C++ code fragment as input and parse it into an IASTNode. I have a code like this, but this doesnt work if the input is an _expression_. I have to write a special case where I wrap the _expression_ into a function , parse the function and get the child _expression_ node. Is there a clean way that works for all kinds of C++ code fragments. The code below works only if the string is not an _expression_. I have another wrapper function that can work on _expression_ by wrapping the string _expression_ around a function body. I would like to have a universal way for this.
public static IASTTranslationUnit parse(String code) throws Exception {
final boolean gcc = true;
FileContent codeReader = FileContent.create("<test-code>", code.toCharArray());
ScannerInfo scannerInfo = new ScannerInfo();
ISourceCodeParser parser2 = null;
IScanner scanner = createScanner(codeReader, ParserLanguage.CPP, ParserMode.COMPLETE_PARSE, scannerInfo);
ICPPParserExtensionConfiguration config = null;
if (gcc) {
config = new GPPParserExtensionConfiguration();
} else {
config = new ANSICPPParserExtensionConfiguration();
parser2 = new GNUCPPSourceParser(scanner, ParserMode.COMPLETE_PARSE, NULL_LOG, config);
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parser2.parse();
if (parser2.encounteredError())
throw new RuntimeException("PARSE FAILURE");
IASTProblem[] problems = CPPVisitor.getProblems(tu);
if (problems.length > 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Parse fails: " + Arrays.toString(problems));
return tu;
public static IScanner createScanner(FileContent codeReader, ParserLanguage lang, ParserMode mode,
IScannerInfo scannerInfo) {
IScannerExtensionConfiguration configuration = null;
if (lang == ParserLanguage.C) {
configuration = GCCScannerExtensionConfiguration.getInstance(scannerInfo);
} else {
configuration = GPPScannerExtensionConfiguration.getInstance(scannerInfo);
IScanner scanner;
scanner = new CPreprocessor(codeReader, scannerInfo, lang, NULL_LOG, configuration,
return scanner;