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Re: [cdt-dev] Unable to find plug-in:

Hi Nathan,

Not sure if it's related, but we had issues with target definitions a couple of days ago. In our case, the target definition would resolve correctly (no problem reported in the Definition tab), but some (newly added, in our case) plugins would still be missing afterwards (Content tab).

Marc-Andre suggested we shutdown Eclipse and clear the PDE cache (go under: "<workspace>/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/", and delete/rename all directories that start with a dot). Then restart Eclipse. After doing that, our plugins would actually be found, under the Content tab.

Here's what I get now, using latest master. Can you see the same thing on your computer?  :



On 11/27/2015 12:02 AM, Nathan Ridge wrote:
I already had my target platform set to

To be sure, I tried changing to to 4.5 and back, but that didn't help.

Any other suggestions?

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