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Re: [cdt-dev] CDI Debugger will be REMOVED in CDT 9.0/Neon

While we're on the subject, any chance to improve the plugin dependencies that the CDT DSF debugger has on the Core and UI CDT plugins? (that is, remove them to only the minimum required - likely requiring refactoring to a CDT commons plugin)
This is a throwback to . It might also help make the Standalone debugger a bit leaner?

On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 7:25 PM, Marc Khouzam <marc.khouzam@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

extenders should be aware that the CDI Debugger will be removed from the CDT code base
as part of the CDT 9.0/Neon release.

Anyone still based on CDI should migrate to DSF before then if they want to continue to compile
with the latest CDT. 

Such a migration has been done by many over the last few years.
The CDT community should be a good resource to get this done for those that may be
finding it difficult.  Searching this mailing list will surely provide some good pointers.

CDT of course provides the DSF-GDB integration which is a very rich example, as well
as an example plugin that extends DSF-GDB itself, for those that use GDB/MI.


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