Yes, the IRemoteConnection stores the necessary information for us to launch a process on the target. What’s missing is the mapping from Launch Configuration to target. This mapping needs to be independent of the launch bar settings since the launch bar
is optional. So I need to find a way to do it with out it. Org.eclipse.remote doesn’t have the concept of active target so relying on the target management system to provide one probably wasn't the right approach anyway. It seems like an artificial creation
that could be done in a more user friendly way.
The good thing is that ILaunchConfiguration is IAdaptable. So I could create an adapter that returns the IRemoteConnection. The Remote framework would need to provide an API to bind launch configs to connections and restore them on start up, much like
we’ve already been doing with ILaunchTarget. This could be set up in the launch config dialog for the remote launch I’m creating. (not everything has to go into the working copy). Shouldn’t be too hard.
But I am still wondering how others manage remote launches like this. We can talk about this at the meeting tomorrow.
Why launch configuration needs to store connection information? Isn't the point of toolbar it to actually separate it and replace with concept of active target/connection?
Then user name/password should be stored in secure storage which eclipse deals with natively.