I have question slightly off-topic. I suspected people of this list modified cdt for
their vendor some-how to add some functionality and specifically some extra tools,
like profilers, memory profilers, code coverage, etc.
The question is - what is the best way to do it? I don't see a standard way in eclipse
there are multiple options available and I am not sure which one is right
Let say we already have a new LC type - Remote Lauch and now we want user to
be able to also Profile (Memory Profile, Code Coverage...)
a) Create a different LC type for profiling
that means user would have to replicate all the setup, like args. env, etc and it wont be in sync
with his main LC
b) Add tools setting directly in my "Remote Launch" LC but user would have to pick tool
that means user would have to duplicate LC anyway just to have one with tool and one without tool and they will be out of sync too at some point
c) Add different launch mode, i.e. profile, codecoverage, memprofile etc
that means every time too is added mode has to be added and LC types that can support it
have to be modified. Also means cannot debug + tool unless some other trickery involved
e) Create a delegate for each tool attached to "profile" and "debug" mode and my LC type
That would force use into picking "launcher", and use of tools are limited to 3 (run, debug, profile) or user has to copy LC again causing it be different from his "run"
Anybody care to share what they did and why it is good? Or not?