I have two questions concerning the memory view:
1) I would like to display memory in the memory view while my
application is running. At the moment, memory values are only
updated when I stop a thread. I would like to add a button that,
when pressed, causes the memory view to be updated. Is there a
problem for GDB to read memory when the program is running?
2) We have our own embedded debugger, so now I'm trying to write my
own custom memory monitor. I followed the memory view example:
the Memory View: A Guide for Debug Providers
The example works, but when I try to integrate it with our plugins
and make my own memory monitor there is a problem: my custom getExtendedMemoryBlock()
is not being called.
In the example, the LaunchConfigurationDelegate just creates a new
debug target as in:
public void launch(ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String
ILaunch launch, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws
CoreException {
IDebugTarget target = new SampleDebugTarget(launch);
I do the same thing at the beginning of my
LaunchConfigurationDelegate but before, I call super.launch(config,
mode, launch, monitor) to connect to my target...
Could someone tell me how to get my extended memory monitor to
display? Once I can get it working , I can add a button to update
the view on the fly.
Thanks in advance,