Hey gang,
To follow up on our plan to switch to 6 month releases, I plotted out a possible schedule. These dates are release dates on the Friday with the builds from Tues (plus any respins).
Fri, Aug 23 - CDT 8.2 SR1 RC1
Fri, Sep 06 - CDT 8.2 SR1 RC2
Fri, Sep 13 - CDT 8.2 SR1 RC3
Fri, Sep 20 - CDT 8.2 SR1 RC4
Fri, Aug 23 - CDT 8.3 M1
Fri, Sep 27 - CDT 8.3 M2
Fri, Oct 25 - CDT 8.3 M3
Fri, Nov 22 - CDT 8.3 RC1
Fri, Nov 29 - CDT 8.3 RC2
Fri, Dec 06 - CDT 8.3 RC3
Fri, Dec 13 - CDT 8.3 RC4
Also trying not to release just before the holiday week in Dec.
Kepler SR-1 is in sync with the train.
The milestones for 8.3 are 4 weeks, as opposed to 6 weeks that are traditional with Eclipse. We would put the latest available CDT into the train milestone builds (M1-3) with the final 8.3 going into M4.
For 8.4, I think we'd probably line up again with the Eclipse train milestones with Luna starting with M5.
What happens for Kepler SR-2 is a good question. It releases at the end of Feb with RC's starting Jan 23. We could do 8.3.1 for then on a shortened SR schedule. Or do an 8.2.2 with minimal changes. Depends on whether we want to step on the gas, or go for
BTW, Eclipse train schedules here: