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Re: [cdt-dev] Question about MIVariableManager
When you say physical children, you mean in GDB?
I guess you could keep track of objects that are created in GDB
or not, then if they are not, you can create them only when
you need them.
Children are not created in GDB (they are in reality pretty printed, nothing like -var-create is called, but the behavior is mimicked).
Yet, I moved only a little bit to realize I am completely lost again:
queueCommand(MICommand, DataRequestMonitor); (this what I understood, but the complexity of nesting is something I have not seen in 15+ years of my java life)
The whole thing gets called when you try expand root node and get children from UI... so far so good.
What I am really trying to determine, how children and MIVariableObjects should be created and how/when they should be placed into cache. I thought I knew, but it looked like only an illusion.
> To your question: I am somehow concerned by level of
> anonymous class nesting ... code get somehow hard to read at some point.
At first read this does look intimidating. I suggest not looking
at the definition :) When you actually use it, it becomes simpler.
public <V extends ICommandResult> ICommandToken queueCommand(
final ICommand<V> command, DataRequestMonitor<V> rm)
translates to something like
queueCommand(MICommand, DataRequestMonitor);
> --Petr
> From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Marc Khouzam
> Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2013 11:35 AM
> To: 'CDT General developers list.'
> Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] Question about MIVariableManager
> Hi,
> if you have information about the children when creating a
> variable object, what you could do is pre-fill that
> information directly in MIVariableManager. For instance, you
> can use MIVariableObject.setChildren(..)
> directly. Once the children are filled, MIVariableManager
> will not try to fetch those children again,
> so you should avoid those inefficiencies.
> > I am very concerned by complexity of public <V extends
> ICommandResult> ICommandToken queueCommand(
> > final ICommand<V> command,
> DataRequestMonitor<V> rm) where a different commands queue
> each other and so on.
> I'm not sure which part is causing concern? :)
> I hope this helps.
> Marc
> ________________________________
> From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Petr Suchomel
> Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 10:02 PM
> To: cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [cdt-dev] Question about MIVariableManager
> Folks,
> Excuse me if I am asking dumb questions.
> What I am trying to do:
> I am trying to clone and modify MIVariableManager (and
> necessary classes around) to have one which can handle data
> from QtCreator pretty printers for Momentics. If I am looking
> at Qt types through Momentics, you simply get information
> which is very hard (or impossible) to read, simple pretty
> printers such as we are using today simply sucks facing
> complexity of Qt objects.
> QtCreator has very nice and powerful pretty printers,
> which are mimicking GDB/MI object behavior - we did some
> further changes which allow easy to put in CDT infrastructure for us.
> Yet there are significant differences. CDT/GDB is using
> multistep evaluation of variable to e.g. access its children,
> there are also necessary workarounds to find if children are
> pretty printed etc. This is all resolved on Python level in
> QtCreator PP.
> While everything is driven by expressions there are
> some noticeable differences:
> - Qt PP are using something called iname -
> similar to GDB -var-create generated name
> - Values are generally encoded to avoid
> problem with platform dependent encoding
> - By getting particular variable, you are
> getting also its children + for it children, immediate
> children includes information about count of their descendants.
> It would be very inefficient to copy every single step
> and do evaluations again and again, good example could be e.g
> MIRootVariableObject - if I have this object, I can also
> immediately construct it descendants as long as I have all
> info to do so:
> Two examples, creating "argv" and "mainApp"
> ^done,data=[{iname="local.argv",name="argv",numchild="4",child
> ren=[{addr="0x7a9f2d4",numch\
> ild="0",type="char
> *",valueencoded="6",value="636f6d2e6578616d706c652e50756c6c4d7
> 942656172642e746573\
> 744465765f50756c6c4d7942656172643433313133303465",},{addr="0x7
> a9f2d8",numchild="0",type="char *",val\
> ueencoded="6",value="48656c6c6f",},{addr="0x7a9f2dc",numchild=
> "0",type="char *",valueencoded="6",val\
> ue="46726f6d",},{addr="0x7a9f2e0",numchild="0",type="char
> *",valueencoded="6",value="4242544c61756e6\
> 3685061727469636970616e74",},],type="char **",value="<4
> items>",},],typeinfo=[{name="Y2hhciAq",size=\
> "4"}{name="dW5zaWduZWQgY2hhcg==",size="1"}]
> ^done,data=[{iname="local.mainApp",name="mainApp",addr="0x7a9f
> 2b0",addr="0x7a9f2b0",numchi\
> ld="4",children=[{iname="local.mainApp.@1",name="[QObject]",ad
> dr="0x7a9f2b0",numchild="1",addr="0x7a\
> 9f2b0",type="QObject",value="
> ",},{name="mSoundManager",addr="0x804a114",addr="0x804a114",nu
> mchild="\
> 2",origaddr="0x7a9f2b8",type="SoundManager",value="{...}",},],
> type="PullMyBeardApp",value="{...}",},\
> ],typeinfo=[{name="dW5zaWduZWQgbG9uZw==",size="4"}{name="U291b
> mRNYW5hZ2Vy",size="132"}{name="U291bmR\
> NYW5hZ2VyICo=",size="4"}]
> One problem I facing and I am not sure if I can crack
> through, is that MIRootVariableObject.create(....) after
> sending request to evaluate root variable and
> handleCompleted is finished, I have all data to create
> children ... but I have very weak idea what should be the
> approach to do so. Creating only expressions from iname
> property and asking all over again for all data would be
> inefficient -> I am very concerned by complexity of public <V
> extends ICommandResult> ICommandToken queueCommand(final
> ICommand<V> command, DataRequestMonitor<V> rm) where a
> different commands queue each other and so on.
> Does anybody know what would be the best approach?
> Thank you,
> --Petr
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