I realize this isn’t particularly a CDT problem, but it is interfering with my ability to work on CDT problems, so I thought it worth at least asking here.
When I access some projects over a Samba connection from my Windows 7 box to a Linux 2.6 CentOS system, Eclipse (Juno, M5) PDE fails to find the plugin.properties file. Specifically, it generates warnings like: "Key 'pluginName' is not found in localization properties file: plugin.properties". Sometimes it is able to go to the matching line in the plugin.properties file when I press F3, but it always generates the warning.
When I access the same project locally on Windows, I don't get the warnings.
I first noticed the problem when working with the org.eclipse.cdt.ui package. I've attached a version of that package that still shows the problem, but has nearly all of it's content scooped out, to save space and hopefully make debugging simpler.
I'd love it if someone else could at least verify that they get the same problem.