Hello, I would like to ask once again about the linker. Why do you want to use your own implementation if it works fine with the cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.c.linker (this is at least what I understood)? If you implement a new one, you must ensure that it implements the complete interface correctly. You could copy the complete code from cdt.managebuild.tool.gnu.c.linker to your project, just renaming the packages, to test if it works. Sebastian
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2013 08:12:42 +0100 From: t.csabina@xxxxxxxxx To: cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] problem creating a custom toolchain`s linker
Yes, I agree that I am missing something. But I was not able to figure out what, that is why I asked in this list. In the hope that someone else was also in my shoe. Or that the developers of the CDT has more knowledge and experience on the topic than me, who (me) trying to figure out things with lack of documentation, knowledge and experience.
I have copied every single property of the cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.c.linker to my own linker, renamed the IDs, but still got "Nothing to build"... So with this I cannot get any further.
But I have another idea of finding out why I get "Nothing to build": I want to debug Eclipse when I press `Build All`.
Which class contains this "Nothing to build" message? How could I debug my Eclipse instance to see what is happening in the background when I press the Build All button?
>>> Derek Morris <dmsubs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 10-1-2013 10:43 >>> In that case you need to look CAREFULLY at all the differences between your definitions and those that work by using "super". Sorry, but I cannot do this for you. It is obvious that you are missing something.
I have added this. Still "Nothing to build". >>> Derek Morris < dmsubs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 10-1-2013 10:27 >>> I think you are completely confused. What you want is something like this:
This tells the build system that your linker is going to create a file with an .exe extension.
Hello Derek,
I figured out that as I copied the org.eclipse.cdt.managebuilder.gnu.ui plugin I do have artifactExtension properties under the <configuration>. However I am a bit confused about how to use it.
The org.eclipse.cdt.managebuilder.gnu.ui plugin`s configuration (cdt.managedbuild.config.gnu.base) uses 2 artifactExtension properties:
<enablement type="CONTAINER_ATTRIBUTE" attribute="artifactExtension" value="so" extensionAdjustment="false"> <checkBuildProperty property="org.eclipse.cdt.build.core.buildArtefactType" value="org.eclipse.cdt.build.core.buildArtefactType.sharedLib"/> </enablement> <enablement type="CONTAINER_ATTRIBUTE" attribute="artifactExtension" value="a" extensionAdjustment="false"> <checkBuildProperty property="org.eclipse.cdt.build.core.buildArtefactType" value="org.eclipse.cdt.build.core.buildArtefactType.staticLib"/> </enablement>
These (so and a) seems to me linux library extensions, so I guess this is not the one that should create the target exe.
Furthermore org.eclipse.cdt.managebuilder.gnu.ui plugin has a projectType (cdt.managedbuild.target.gnu.exe), where the buildArtefactType property is defined as org.eclipse.cdt.build.core.buildArtefactType.exe. I don`t see anywhere else org.eclipse.cdt.build.core.buildArtefactType.exe as defined type, so I guess this means that when the target platform is win32 (and cdt.managedbuild.target.gnu.exe used as projectType), the org.eclipse.cdt.managebuilder.gnu.ui plugin will use cdt.managedbuild.target.gnu.exe`s buildArtefactType to create an exe, instead of using the base configuration`s (cdt.managedbuild.config.gnu.base) buildArtefacType to create so or a.
If this assumption is correct, I only have to define the buildArtefactType in my <projectType>, and no need to have an artifactExtension under the <configuration>.
But even with this, I still have "Nothing to build".
Just to be sure, I also tried to add a 3rd <artifactExtension> under <configuration> with org.eclipse.cdt.build.core.buildArtefactType.exe as <checkBuildProperty> value, but made no difference. Still get "Nothing to build".
I am mentioning again that if I use cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.c.linker as a <superClass> of my linker, everything working fine. This might indicate that <configuration>, <artifacExtension>, <projectType> and all other properties of my toolchain is configured fine, and I should focus on the linker, and figure our what do I still miss from the linker to make the compile, link and build working. But this is just as guess.
>>> Derek Morris < dmsubs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 9-1-2013 16:58 >>> It is an attribute of a <configuration> and it defines the filename extension of the linker output file (i.e. "exe"). if it is not defined, I would guess that Make does not know what you are trying to create...
Hi Derek,
<projectType> and <configuration> is defined (see attached plugin.xml)
However I don`t know what artifactExtensions is? And how to define it.
>>> Derek Morris < dmsubs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 9-1-2013 16:50 >>> "Nothing to build" probably means that make does not now how to convert your source files into an 'executable'. Have you defined a <projectType> and <configutation> and defined an artifactExtension?
Hello Sebastian,
Thank you for the reply.
I`ve already examined the mentioned toolchain (cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.c.linker), but I was not able to figure out what options/subitems do I need from it to make my toolchain work. I`ve also tried to copy all sub items of the cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.c.linker tool and create everything under my linker tool. But even with this extended toolchain I got "Info: Nothing to build" message when I test the plugin.
And, just to mention again, if I inherit my linker from to mentioned linker (by defining the superClass property to be cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.c.linker), everything is working fine, project files compiled, linked and built. If I remove this declaration from the superClass property, I get back to "Nothing to build".
I also wanted to figure out what is happening in the background before the "Nothing to build" message, or before the successful compile+link occurs. I am testing the plugin as described in the help: Right click on the toolchain project, and select Run As -> Eclipse application. But even if I add the -debug parameter in the Arguments I haven`t seen anything useful in the Console of the calling Eclipse instance, which can be used to figure out how do we get to "Nothing to build".
You`ve mentioned that you implemented your own toolchain. Have you inherited the linker or created a new one? If the latter, have you faced similar issues with "Nothing to build"?
Thanks again for your time and effort!
Hi Tamas,
I'm not an expert, but implemented also an own toolchain. To make it work I studied the GCC project which you can access from the Git repository. You find the build definitions in the plugin.xml file of the project "org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.gnu.ui". So you can compare the linker settings they use to yours.
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2013 16:52:04 +0100 From: t.csabina@xxxxxxxxxTo: cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxSubject: Re: [cdt-dev] problem creating a custom toolchain`s linker
Dear Group,
I bring up this subject once again, as I still have the issue. I haven`t got any reply on this, nor in the forums. After this I won`t bother the list again, but I had to give it a last chance.
>>> Tamas Csabina 15-11-2012 08:38 >>>
First of all I have to say that I know that this list is not the best place to ask questions like mine, but after days of struggle I have no option left. I tried the users forums already, but got no replies to my questions there.
Searching through the archives I have found similar questions to be asked, so I dared to fire mine.
About the problem:
Currently we use the MinGW Toolchain to build our C projects. We use a special compiler and linker instead of gcc, and this is working fine.
But as the mingw toolchain`s linker got so many options that we don`t use, I want to create a custom toolchain, which only contains the options for our compiler and linker.
Alternatively I could inherit the not used options, and use the applicabilityCalculator to hide them, but as far as I know it can be used for options only and not for optionCategory, so that won`t do the trick.
So I`ve ran through the Managed Build System Extensibility Document to create my custom toolchain. Did the tutorial in Chapter 6. But unfortunately the document doesn`t describe how to create a linker tool. What fields are necessary to make this linker work? Because no matter what I do with my linker tool, during project build I got "Nothing to build".
If I inherit the GCC C Linker (cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.c.linker) the project builds fine, so I guess my other objects (compiler, builder, target platform, tool-chain, configuration, projectType) are working fine.
What I also don`t understand, is why a misconfigured linker avoids compilation? It is okay that a complete build won`t happen without a proper linker, but at least I want to see compilation happening, as the builder (to collect what to compile) and the compiler are working fine. Or do I miss some concept here?
I am also willing to create a howto/faq/doc about the subject when I gathered the required information, as there is nothing available at the moment. Probably it would help others out there...
Thanks and regards,
tamas | -- SERCOM Regeltechniek B.V. Heereweg 9 2161 AB Lisse Nederland +31 (0)252 416530 (voice) +31 (0)252 419481 (fax)
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