On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 4:33 PM, Erica Mealy
<ericamealy@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm working on a project that's looking at evaluating plugging one of
our tools into CDT but have found issues with CDT's parsing/indexing.
On the indexer history site
(http://wiki.eclipse.org/CDT/designs/PDOM/History) it mentions issues
with the indexer but it was last dated 2006. We've been trying various
versions from Helios -> Juno and still found issues so wanted to see
what the state of play for it was, changes since 2006 and plans for
the next releases etc. We're evaluating plugging a tool into CDT but
found this might be a bottleneck we have to deal with first.
We're hoping that someone currently involved can help us find out
where the indexer's at and any future plans for it so we can evaluate
if we need to be doing some work here before we sort out our plugins.
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