I'll take a look at the Build Automatically and try and get MinGW building at least. The missing scanner discovery for MinGW is also pretty bad since Codan marks everything as an error.
+1 for reverting the RefreshScopeManager. Rule number one of CDT-club is "Don't break anything", unless Vivian can fix it today.
We have one more chance at a respin. Let's see if we can get thing sane enough.
Hey gang, is it just me or does M7 seem like it has a lot of issues. Almost all my smoke tests see some sort of issue, mostly in build/CModel. The worst being the internal builder, which is used by the MinGW toolchain on Windows, doesn't seem to be picking
up resource changes and thus never builds.
It looks like this happens when "Build automatically" is used, I don't see the problem when it's turned off. If you turn that off does it work OK for you?
I'm also seeing the refresh not being done on the initial project build at project creation time and thus not finding any binaries breaking the initial debug.
This might be related to the recent changes to RefreshScopeManager (per configuration refresh, bug
375859 ). It seems obvious to me that this one wasn't reviewed or tested enough before getting committed, I have found many problems with the limited testing I did. I just think
we should test more in general.
Should we revert these commits until the problems are addressed?
I'm wondering if it's just me as I consider these to be fundamental test cases and if our community is going to run into them, I'd find that pretty embarrassing. Is it just me?