On HEAD gdb has a nice feature that might be useful for C++
developers. It can provide a variable type based on RTTI via MI
interface (gdb can do it via CLI for many years, but this
information ). This feature is turned on with a "set print object
on" CLI command (it could be added to .gdbinit). Consider the
following example:
struct SuperInterface {
virtual ~SuperInterface() {} // enable RTTI for
struct TheImplementation : public SuperInterface {
TheImplementation(int _v1, float _v2)
: someField(_v1), anotherField(_v2) {}
int someField;
float anotherField;
int main() {
SuperInterface* i = new TheImplementation(42, 4.2);
return 0; // [Run until here]
Here is the screenshot how it looks in Eclipse (upper - how it looks
with gdb7.4 and will look with gdb7.5 with "set print object off";
lower - with "set print object on" on gdb HEAD):
I am writing this because I think it is a nice feature and because
there is a small bug in Eclipse with variables type update. I have
filed it (
https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=376901) and
I have provided a patch. Now I am asking the committers about the
P.S. I didn't want to be annoying. Sorry if this information was not
useful for you.