Include file resolution depends on the context in which the container file is parsed. Chances are, that the indexer looked at the file in a different context
than it is done in the editor.
Things that make up the context:
Language (C, C++), include search path and also in case the inclusion makes use of macro expansions,
the macro dictionary at the point of the inclusion.
From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Yevgeny Shifrin
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 14:03
To: CDT General developers list. (cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx)
Subject: [cdt-dev] search for unresolved includes results
I am trying to configure manually (without discovery functionality) indexing of a big C++ project (several dozen K files). Based on unresolved includes I am updating include
path entries.
When running "index"->"search for unresolved includes" I am observing strange results: I am getting false indications in some cases. If I open a "problematic" include, it is
shown as resolved and I can jump to it using F3. Unfortunately I am not able to reproduce this behavior on small project. Are you familiar with such behavior? Any ideas what could cause it or how to investigate it?
I am using Indigo (CDT 8.0.1).
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