-----Original Message-----
From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Pawel Piech
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 1:40 PM
To: Vladimir Prus
Cc: cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] [DSF] Making Sequence more robust
On 10/20/2011 05:49 AM, Vladimir Prus wrote:
On Monday, October 17, 2011 20:20:13 Pawel Piech wrote:
thanks for guidance here. I have a couple of questions:
1. I haven't quite worked our through the complexities of
catching runtime
exceptions by DsfExecutor, but I wanted to clarify what the
goal should be.
At least for launch code, the workflow is that GdbLaunch
delegates executes
startup sequences at waits for them using Query, so I guess
the right goal
is that all runtime exceptions thrown while we're 'inside'
the execute
method of a query end up in 'get' method of the query throwing?
Yes, I think that's perfectly reasonable. Adding a guard in
to catch runtime exceptions is a simple fix for a limited set
of cases.
The only downside I can think of is that it may give the caller an
impression that all cases where the rm is not completed will
be caught.
Another remote possibility would be that a runtime exception could be
thrown after the RM is passed down to some other service. Then when
that service eventually completes, the rm.done() will have
been called
twice. Overall though I think the benefit is worth these two risks.
2. While a general repository for outstanding RM's might be
a good idea,
what would you say if we start small, and implement the
solution that would
remember outstanding RequestMonitor instances for some
limited cases (for
example, 'target *-remote' commands in DSF-GDB, and then
cancel those
RequestMonitors after a timeout? This is somewhat
orthogonal from the
initial goal of catching lost RMs, but seems sufficiently
related and
immediately useful.
This is something that could be done at the service level,
where these
commands are issued. If we expect that the back-end may
never complete
some commands then in those cases a timeout guard should even be
required. For example, we queue commands with the command
control, but
we count on the process monitor to notify us if the back end process
dies. At that point we complete any outstanding command in
queue with
an error. So our process monitor is the guard.
3. What do you think about changing the interface of RequestMonitor
along the lines I have originally suggested, so that the implementor
is forced to declare success or failure using return value?
While the sequence is designed to perform async operations in
each step,
in reality most steps return immediately. So your suggestion could
simplify majority of those steps. I would suggest to introduced an
extension: SyncStep, which would then include the syncExecute() or
(xexecute) method.
I think there's at least a couple things we could do to
improve this:
*Report runtime exceptions thrown in DSF executor.*
Currently a quirk in the implementation of
keeps us from catching these exceptions unless assertions
are enabled.
If a brave souls steps up to do a clean-room reimplement
this class we
could get around this bug. It wouldn't need to be as
efficient or as
complicated implementation because we only need a single
thread. Or
maybe someone more clever can think of a way to get around
this problem
without reimplementing or degrading performance. (bug 236915)
Create a registry for outstanding request monitors.*
Most request monitors are passed around between functions,
directly as parameters to functions, and sometimes as
parents to other
RMs. There's only a few clients outside of the DSF framework that
collect request monitors and don't complete them
immediately: caches and
things like the GDB command control. We could catch the
lost RMs if we
create a registry where RMs are added when created and removed when
collected by a service or another component. So a few
example flows
would be:
_Simple completion_
- An RM is created and added to the registry.
- A service calls RM.done() and the RM is removed from the
_Waiting on async completion_
- An RM is created and added to the registry.
- A service sends a command to an asynchronous data
provider (command
- The service manually removes the RM from registry.
_RM cached, waiting on another RM to complete
_- An RM is created and added to the registry.
- A service finds that another RM is already waiting in
cache for the
same result
- Cache removes the RM from registry.
Stacked RM waiting on async completion_
- An RM is created and added to the registry.
- Another method takes the RM and adds it as a parent to
another RM.
- A service sends a command to async. data provider:
- Service removes RM from registry.
- RM removes its parent from registry too.
At the end of any sequence there should be no RMs in the
registry. So a
post-executor if a DSF executor could check for RMs in the
registry and
log exception or even immediately halt execution.
We'd chance a lot of false positives at first and we may
have some hard
to resolve edge cases, but with some work we'd end up with a more
predictable system. Also, for backward compatibility,
this tracking
would need to be optional.
On 10/16/2011 03:07 AM, Vladimir Prus wrote:
presently, if any step of a Sequence fails to call 'done'
or 'cancel',
the whole Sequence just hangs, and it's rather painful to debug.
Can we do something to improve this long-standing
problem? For example:
abstract public static class Step {
public final void execute(RequestMonitor rm) {
// note: final.
if (!rm.isDone()) // isDone would have
to be added
Status(IStatus.ERROR, ..., "Misbehaving step",
abstract protected void xececute(RequestMonitor rm);
Or, we can take take this even further:
abstract public static class Step {
public final void execute(RequestMonitor rm) {
// note: final.
abstract protected IStatus xececute(RequestMonitor rm);
In this case, the compiler will object if a step fails to
return a value,
although there's a risk that a step might fail to handle
failure of any
operation it does and still return IStatus.OK anyway.
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