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[cdt-dev] Building own CDT distribution


I have done a few modifications in CDT plugins, submitted bugfixes,
and proposed enhancements. Obviously it takes some time to reflect (or
reject) the proposed changes into the CDT mainline, so I would like to
create my customized distribution of CDT.

I have been trying several approaches how to create the distribution
package. The most promising was via the Feature Patch project. I
suppose that users will install eclipse 3.7 and the CDT 8.0. Then they
will install the jar that is exported from the feature patch project.
The jar archive seems to contain the proper class files, but for some
reason the updated plugins are not applied after installation and the
original CDT 8.0 remains.

The settings of plugins and features contains many things that I do
not fully understand. I have read a few tutorials for distribution of
eclipse plugins, but CDT seems to be quite complex. Is there any
(step-by-step) tutorial how to create local distribution of CDT? Or is
there a better approach than via the Feature Patch project?


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