Replacing a 3 days face to face summit by an online
meeting will not benefit the community, I think its very good if we can
keep the face to face event.
Many people dial-in but they typically work on
something else, we do not have the evening/lunch event when people can discuss
further, etc.
Looking at other open source projects/foundations they do a
lot of co-located events (e.g LinuxCon and Tracing Summit), I had a quick chat
with Ian from the Eclipse Foundation, he thinks it's a good idea to
co-locate the summit with EclipseCon, possibly Thursday/Friday as long as we
plan ahead to ensure we have a conf room available at (as program chair,
I am sure you can make it happen).
Co-locating with EclipseCon has a few
- Less travel (EclipseCon + Summit same
- No sponsors/funding to find
- No local logistics (room, special events, lunch,
dinner, etc.)
- more developers are likely to come
- Reston is 8.5 hours drive from
- etc.
The only down side I see is it's not a good timing to plan
for the next release so we could do as you suggested i.e. an online meeting in
September but hopefully a short one maybe half a day to start and then
we can see if we need extra ones for specific topics e.g. multi-core
Co-locating with EclipseCon seems quite future proof to me,
what do you think?
I agree. The time is pretty
short to organize a full blown summit in September. But, we still need to have
planning meetings to set the agenda for CDT in Juno.
What I’d like to propose is an
eSummit instead using a conference bridge and Webex. I was thinking of a block
of four hours running noon-3 Ottawa time (give or take), which allows for
evening in Europe and morning in California. We could start with two days like
that and expand if needed.
I would then propose that we
have a CDT get-together at EclipseCon next March. We had a really nice
multi-core meeting last year and could do that for CDT in general. We could do
it for a couple of hours and be separate from the BOF which is a more open
What do you
cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Dominique Toupin Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 9:06
AM To: CDT General developers list. Subject: Re: [cdt-dev]
Summit 2011
not easy to plan/organize the CDT summit in the middle of
summer for a date in Sept/Oct:
many people are on vacation, it's hard to get developers to
organizing the logistic in the middle of summer was not easy for us last
year again because of many people on vacations and it was hard to get big conf
room for Sept;
- in
July many people are already booked for business trips in the
fall e.g. myself, Elena, Marc, etc. if know more in advanced it will
be easier to plan around the summit date;
fall is a busy time of the year for many people, May/June is the Eclipse
release crunch and March is EclipseCon...;
To get
more developers to join the summit we could either:
do the plan/organization after the Eclipse release and held the summit in
do the plan/org in May and held the summit in Sept/Oct
looking back at last March EclipseCon we could investigate if we can
do it Thursday and Friday (
we could even investigate if we can do it together with the GCC summit
cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Schaefer, Doug Sent: 8-Jul-11 14:20 To:
cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [cdt-dev] Summit 2011
Hey gang,
Just a reminder to sign up for CDT Summit 2011 at
Notice a few signed up already. The more that show interest, the more we’ll
realize we really need to have one again J.