I think we should be pragmatic about the migration. egit is still very young, and they're fixing bugs and adding features at an amazing rate. Other eclipse projects have migrated to git without too much pain, and while they're not as big as us, there haven't been big upsets. Also importantly the platform are in the process of migrating too with a similar time scale to us.
CDT is unique in having such a diverse set of committers and an even larger group of downstream distributors/re-packagers. Moving to git isn't just about our committer workflow, it for the community at large. IMO the people _least_ affected by this change will be the committers, who already have write access to the blessed eclipse repo. Everyone else on the other hand, has to struggle with brittle forks of the CVS repo., and spend weeks merging at major releases -- I know as I was there once! By moving to git we help the downstream CDT community write code on top of CDT and hopefully make it easier for them to stay current and contribute back.