When letting the indexer skip implicit references they cannot be looked up in the index later on. As far as I know, the features that make use of references
are call-hierarchy, search and one or the other refactoring. Typically, a refactoring on an operator would not work anyhow (e.g. you cannot rename an operator). Therefore, I think you do not lose anything beyond the operator calls in the call-hierarchy and
the search.
From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Achim Bursian
Sent: Mittwoch, 01. Juni 2011 15:30
To: CDT General developers list.
Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] Indexer statistics explained
Importance: Low
you were definitely right! Turning on the option to skip implicit references speeds up processing, so that there is almost no difference between NOTRACES and with traces.
C/C++ Indexer: Project 'NCK' (2155 sources, 2905 headers)
Options: indexer='PDOMFastIndexer', parseAllFiles=false, unusedHeaders=skip, skipReferences=false, skipImplicitReferences=true, skipTypeReferences=false, skipMacroReferences=false.
Database: 112492544 bytes
Timings: 1103010 total, 343931 parser, 370639 resolution, 268257 index update.
Errors: 0 internal, 9 include, 206 scanner, 312 syntax errors.
Now I have to decide whether it is feasible to turn this option on by default in our environment.
As far as I can see, the overloaded operators still are recognized as such, even with the option off: They are colored differently, and the "mark occurences" feature does work inside one file. Navigating to definition with F3 works, too.
Now, what does not work? The operator calls are not listed in call hierarchy view, and they are not found with "Search for references". Anything else that doesn't work when the preference
‘Skip implicit references’ is activated?
BTW: Testing with CDT 7 is not so easy, as we have no Helios running on our Solaris workstations...
Schorn, Markus wrote on 2011-05-30 12:53:
That could be the case, I don’t know for sure. I recommend that you disable the preference and see how much it speeds up the indexer, this would either falsify
or verify my conjecture.
thanks for your help.
'Skip implicit references' would disable indexing of our operator-> implementation as well, I guess? So it's not really practical, as we make heavy use of smart pointers (body/handle pattern).
Do I understand you correctly, the time used to resolve user defined operators is not included in the parser, resolution and index updates times shown by the indexer?
Schorn, Markus wrote on 2011-05-30 11:59:
Hi Achim,
There are a bunch of questions, I respond to the overall performance of the indexer in your project.
My guess is, that in your specific project the resolution of user-defined operators takes quite some time. Your tracing macro adds 12 of them each time you
use it. I had created a few bugs on the performance issue and also worked on improvements, nevertheless it remains to be a rather expensive computation.
To speed up the indexer you can try to disable indexing of user-defined operators (Indexer option ‘Skip implicit references’). It may also help to update CDT
to version 7.0. There are no further performance improvements for resolving user-defined operators after that.
currently I'm in the process of digging into the indexing process for our huge legacy project. I enabled the indexer statistics, but I'm stuck with some figures:
C/C++ Indexer: Project 'IDXTST' (2154 sources, 2888 headers)
Options: indexer='PDOMFastIndexer', parseAllFiles=false, unusedHeaders=skip, skipReferences=false, skipImplicitReferences=false, skipTypeReferences=false, skipMacroReferences=false.
Database: 108953600 bytes
Timings: 1127585 total, 314138 parser, 58757 resolution, 244067 index update.
Errors: 0 internal, 21 include, 204 scanner, 137 syntax errors.
Names: 492543 declarations, 2420523 references, 24306(0.83%) unresolved.
Cache[88mb]: 264220629 hits, 948(0.00%) misses.
As you see, it takes 1127 seconds to rebuild the index, almost 20 minutes. If I add up the values for parser, resolution and index update, I get only 617 seconds. What happens in the remaining 511 seconds?
Well, now it gets really weird: Indexing the same project, but changing one preprocessor macro which enables some internal tracing code, and the result is as follows:
C/C++ Indexer: Project 'IDXTST' (2153 sources, 2891 headers)
Options: indexer='PDOMFastIndexer', parseAllFiles=false, unusedHeaders=skip, skipReferences=false, skipImplicitReferences=false, skipTypeReferences=false, skipMacroReferences=false.
Database: 122183680 bytes
Timings: 8242961 total, 460663 parser, 70149 resolution, 308092 index update.
Errors: 0 internal, 21 include, 204 scanner, 140 syntax errors.
Names: 498832 declarations, 2870298 references, 25360(0.75%) unresolved.
Cache[88mb]: 652516848 hits, 2077(0.00%) misses.
The total time explodes, it is 8243 seconds now, 2 hours and 17 minutes. All the other numbers increase in a reasonable amount, but total time is way off what I would expect. Here is a table that shows it clearly:
NOTRACES with Traces Factor
sources 2154 2153 1,000
headers 2888 2891 1,001
DB bytes 108953600 122183680 1,121
total (seconds) 1128 8243 7,310
parser 314 461 1,466
resolution 59 70 1,194
index upd. 244 308 1,262
parser+res+idxupd 617 839 1,360
Diff to total 511 7404
45% 90%
declarations 492543 498832 1,013
references 2420523 2870298 1,186
unresolved 24306 25360 1,043
In this case, 90% of the total time are not accounted for in the parser, resolution and index updates figures. Why does it increase so dramatically?
Our tracing macro is defined as follows:
#define COCOUT(X,Y,Z)
((void)((COTraceFlags[_INDEX]&_MASK) && \
(cout << coutPrep()) _PARS ))
It is used 34,000 times in the code. Additionally, there are 3,800 places with conditional code inside #ifndef NOTRACES, which effectively is formatting stuff for the trace facility, like this:
#ifndef NOTRACES
<< "sdDptVarResCallbackFct: "
<< " PDU. len = " << pduLen
<< " Data: " << hex);
for (int i = 0; i < pduLen; i++)
COCOUT(TraceDpa,DPA_AC_CONNECTION, << " 0x" << (int)s7PduP[i]);
COCOUT(TraceDpa,DPA_AC_CONNECTION, << dec << endl);
#endif // !NOTRACES
Any insight into these figures (Markus maybe??).
For reference: We are running Eclipse 3.5.1 with CDT 6.0.1 (yes, there is a very conservative deployment policy in our department).
Thanks, Achim
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