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[cdt-dev] Vote for Committer status for Marc-Andre Laperle was started by Sergey Prigogin

tools.cdt Committers,
This automatically generated message signals that Sergey Prigogin has
nominated Marc-Andre Laperle as a Committer on the tools.cdt project. The
reason given is as follows:

Marc-Andre made a large number of contributions to CDT in diverse areas.
See bugs 120162, 133881, 166960, 167519, 195572, 197949, 206369, 210248,
213920, 233390, 236330, 237115, 240558, 242943, 246847, 250037, 256763,
259768, 263689, 264140, 265483, 269838, 269927, 270790, 273525, 282092,
282495, 284295, 284843, 285583, 287815, 290292, 290499, 292304, 292851,
294151, 294537, 294538, 295424, 295808, 297376, 297689, 297751, 298554,
298696, 298883, 299292, 299452, 299892, 301720, 301732, 303900, 304146,
304384, 305058, 306106, 306129, 306901, 307257, 308091, 308516, 309760,
310565, 316083, 316309, 317686, 318658, 318726, 319481, 320186, 321437,
321445, 321471, 322119, 322753, 323456, 323556, 323561, 323562, 324302,
324813, 325135, 325623, 325669, 326418, 327061, 327779, 328384, 328522,
328638, 330123, 330688, 333050, 333949, 334051, 334194, 334214, 334405,
334447, 334569, 335122, 335202, 335213, 335259, 335268, 336123, 337040,
337677. The code he writes is well documented and accompanied by tests.

Marc-Andre expressed his desire to work on bringing CDT to parity with JDT
and beyond. This covers many components like:
-refactoring (performance improvements, new refactorings, improved rewrite)
-codan (new checkers, quick fixes)
-editor (documentation hover, documentation view, improved content assist
(boxes?), new-variable name suggestion)
-source navigation (new hyperlinks)
In the long term:
-LLVM/Clang support
-CMake support
-Visual Studio interoperability (import or open/save/build vc projects and
-VC debugging

Please join me in supporting Marc-Andre's nomination for CDT committer.

The vote is being held via the MyFoundation portal: voters *must* use the
portal for the votes to be properly recorded.  The voting will continue
until either all 26 existing Committers have voted or until they have been
given enough time to vote, even if they do not do so (defined as at least
one week). Marc-Andre Laperle must receive at least three +1s and no -1s
for a successful election.

Eligible Committers must cast their votes through their My Foundation
portal page (do NOT just reply to this email; your vote will not be
correctly recorded unless you use the portal):

The project Committers eligible to vote are:

    James Blackburn
    Patrick Chuong
    John Cortell
    David Dubrow
    Emanuel Graf
    Andrew Gvozdev
    Mikhail Khodjaiants
    Marc Khouzam
    Vivian Kong
    Mike Kucera
    Elena Laskavaia
    Anton Leherbauer
    Teodor Madan
    Sebastien Marineau
    Warren Paul
    Pawel Piech
    Sergey Prigogin
    Chris Recoskie
    Randy Rohrbach
    Ken Ryall
    Doug Schaefer
    Markus Schorn
    Ed Swartz
    L. Frank Turovich
    Ling Wang
    Ted Williams

*NOTE*: Successful elections are left open for a maximum of 120 days to
allow for processing of paperwork.  After that time the election will be
expired, regardless of its current status.  Should papework processing on
the part of the candidate take more time than allowed, a new election will
have to be held.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your project
lead, PMC member, or the EMO <emo@xxxxxxxxxxx>

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