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Re: [cdt-dev] How to get correct DebugElement from CDT Debug


Thank you for the fast answer. I thought that the CDI interface was more or less a derelict interface to be replaced completely by DSF once DSF got mature?

With CDI, I am not able to start debugging the project - I get a crash in CDebugTarget in method

private void getSourceLookupPath( LinkedHashSet<String> list, ISourceContainer[] containers)
if ( container instanceof FolderSourceContainer ) {
    IContainer folderContainer = ((FolderSourceContainer)container).getContainer();
    if ( folderContainer != null && folderContainer.exists() ) {
        pathToAdd = folderContainer.getLocation().toPortableString();   <<<<<---

because folderContainer.getLocation() returns null.

IPath localLocation(IPath workspacePath, IResource resource)  in FileStoreRoot returns null because localRoot is not set. I have project that consists of virtual folders and files, only. Plugins installed are:

GDB Common
Build id: 201009241320

Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools and SDK
Build id: 201009241320

I wanted to avoid getting into DSF because it seams quite complicated to get into due to its asynchronous model. But well, looks like I don't have much of a choice, do I? ;)

Kind Regards,


> Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 08:31:59 -0600
> From: John Cortell <rat042@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> JDT uses the the Standard Debug Model. CDT's CDI-GDB debugger does, 
> too. DSF-GDB does not. The default debugger in CDT is DSF-GDB.
> IWatchExpression objects are created by a DSF-GDB session but their 
> use is superficial. They're not used to evaluate the expression as 
> they are in JDT and CDI. In fact, there are numerous methods in 
> IWatchExpression that are applicable only to Standard Debug Model sessions.
> You have two options for supporting CDT. Support only CDI, or add 
> code that will evaluate the expression in a DSF specific way (when 
> dealing with a DSF session).
> John
> At 07:24 AM 2/15/2011, Tobias Tost wrote:
>>I am trying to evalute some variable's context by IWatchExpression 
>>and IWatchExpressionManager. Sadly, I'm not able to do this 
>>successfully because of a different DebugContext-Behaviour.
>>With JDE, this will be a valid IDebugElement:
>>IAdaptable object = DebugUITools.getDebugContext();
>>i.e. a StackFrame. Sadly, CDT returns a AbstractDMVMNode, which is 
>>no DebugElement at all and thus I'm not able to use it as expression 
>>context. I was hoping that something like this would do the trick:
>>IExpressionManager expressionManager = 
>>IWatchExpression watchExpr = expressionManager.newWatchExpression("Foo");
>>IAdaptable object = DebugUITools.getDebugContext();
>>IDebugElement context = null;
>>if (object instanceof IDebugElement) {
>>     context = (IDebugElement) object;
>>} else if (object instanceof ILaunch) {
>>     context = ((ILaunch) object).getDebugTarget();
>>How am I supposed to use this expression-interface? Even if things 
>>like AbstractVMNode or GdbExpressionVMProvider would not be 
>>internal, I don't get the architecture figured to a degree that I 
>>would know what I had to do without an IDebugElement to use as context. :(

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