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Re: [cdt-dev] Why CDT should switch to Git

On 22 December 2010 08:31, Alex Blewitt <alex.blewitt@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I think this blog entry, on how SpringSource uses git, hits the nail on the head on what Git enables.

I wholeheartedly agree!

Unfortunately, it's a shame that "Compare with..." is marked as an
enhancement -- I think it's the major missing piece in the usability

It's non-intuitive to preview changes, by clicking on the commit
action (where you can no longer edit source...).

Also the Synchronize dialog is confusing, and doesn't scale to large
repositories.  Try attempting to compare changes in o.e.core.resources
with a local branch - the refs drop-down lists every date tag
so you can't get to the branch you want.  If you type the name, you get a AIOOB:
I discovered that you can use the page up to get to the top of the
list, then the down arrow to iterate through. But it's really not

I also miss line annotation in the UI.  When chasing bugs, I always
want to know what bugzilla / commit lead to a particular line being as
it is.

It's great how many of git's features jgit and egit now support.
However without supporting the basic pull, compare, push workflow -
how can we recommend this as a CVS alternative?  For *nix users, ok we
can drop down the command line, but is this feasible for developers on


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