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RE: [cdt-dev] best practices for managing a custom eclipse/CDT build in a C++ development organization
From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Tim Black [timblaktu@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: July 22, 2010 6:35 PM
To: CDT General developers list.
Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] best practices for managing a custom eclipse/CDT build in a C++ development organization
Thanks Marc. I was starting to worry about having built from HEAD. Let me restate these concepts in another way to see if I am understanding:
So, when I right click org.eclipse.cdt.ui and choose "Run As Eclipse Application", the eclipse instance that gets launched is using all the CDT plugins from my workspace, and since I've built all these from HEAD, they're compatible. When I deploy individual plugins built from HEAD into an eclipse w/ CDT 7.0 instance, there is some incompatibility between my 2 patched CDT HEAD plugins and the rest of the CDT 7.0 plugins.
Is that correct?
That is correct. For example org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.gdb HEAD that you are using contains a change that requires org.eclipse.cdt.dsf HEAD. That is why you can't
simply use org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.gdb HEAD with org.eclipse.cdt.dsf 7.0
Alternatively, couldn't I just go back and build my plugins CDT 7.0 tag and then it should work?
You'll need the patch that can apply to CDT 7.0. See my next email.
On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 3:22 PM, Marc Khouzam <marc.khouzam@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:marc.khouzam@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Ah yes.
You cannot just export the plugins that you have patched. Those plugins are dependent on CDT HEAD.
Your eclipse installation, I believe, is Helios. You need your eclipse installation to run HEAD.
You can install the latest CDT nightly build http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/builds/ and use
that eclipse installation + the two exported plugins. Or, you will need to export all the CDT plugins
with new versions
From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>] On Behalf Of Tim Black
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 6:12 PM
To: CDT General developers list.
Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] best practices for managing a custom eclipse/CDT build in a C++ development organization
Thanks, Tobias. I tried exporting my patched plugins into a fresh new eclipse instance (using same workspace as before), and upon reboot the Eclipse Installation Details finally shows the new versions of the plugins. However, it the newly-installed plugins misbehave. I tried to launch the same launch configuration, same executable, that I was using successfully in all previous examples, and I get the following error:
'Launching myapp' has encountered a problem.
Error in services launch sequence.
Error in services launch sequence
Unhandled exception when executing Sequence org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.gdb.launching.ServicesLaunchSequence@114fb2d, step #7
I would say that there's something wrong with the patch I'm using, but the same patch works fine when I test it using self-hosting, i.e. "Run As Eclipse Application".
On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Tobias Hahn <tobias.hahn@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:tobias.hahn@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hey Tim,
as mentioned above, what works for me is in your step 6 to export into the running instance, not somewhere in the file system.
On 22.07.2010, at 22:08, Tim Black wrote:
> Thanks, Everyone, for your suggestions. We may someday consider setting up a single shared/multi-user eclipse installation, but for my current needs, making copies of an eclipse installation folder is probably the simplest way to achieve what I want to do. My "users" don't have to know about plugins, etc, they just copy the eclipse install dir just like they do with public releases. Now I just have to get my exported plugins to work (like they did when I did Run As -> Eclipse Application)...
> Thanks for mentioning the dropins/ folder. Didn't know that existed. I tried dropping my patched ,exported .jars into dropins/ but the result is still a failure, i.e. (a) Plug-ins tab of Eclipse Installation Details still shows the old version for those plugins, and (b) the new patched behavior is not present (like it was when I did "Run As" "Eclipse Application" on org.eclipse.cdt.ui)
> I've been through this before and still haven't figured out how to "deploy plugins". Can anyone see what I've done wrong?
> 0. Starting with the standard Helios/CDT7.0 release (for C/C++ developers), I installed Eclipse SDK using Help->Install New Software. Restarted Eclipse and switch to Plugin Dev Perspective.
> 1. Got CDT HEAD using project set file import.
> 2. Build all CDT plugins in workspace. (There are errors but only in org.eclipse.cdt.tests.dsf)
> 3. Got and applied latest CDT patch (for viewing STL containers) at https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=302121.
> 4. Build all CDT plugins in workspace. There are no more errors than before. Good.
> 5. Right click org.eclipse.cdt.ui and Run As.. Eclipse Application. New plugin behavior is present (pretty print view of STL containers). About Eclipse - Eclipse Installation Details - Plug-ins just shows "qualifier" for the qualifier for versions of CDT plugins. Close the "Run As" Eclipse instance.
> 6. Back in the Plugin Package Explorer, there are only 2 CDT plugins with ">" appended to their name indicating they have been modified. These are org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.gdb and org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.gdb.ui. Select both, and Export... Deployable plug-ins and fragments. Specify directory but change no other defaults. (qualifier defaults to date/time)
> 7. Close Eclipse. There are now no eclipse instances running. Make copies of eclipse/ install folder called eclipse_test1/ and eclipse_test2/.
> 8. At this point I tried a few approaches:
> a. Copy the 2 patched .jar files into eclipse_test1/plugins/. There are now 2 .jars for each of the patched plugins, with different versions (the patch must have modified this) and qualifiers.
> The result running this eclipse is that Eclipse Installation Details still shows the old versions of the plugins, but I get some partial expected behavior (pretty print works but opening up a vector doesn't work)
> b. Delete the older versions of patched .jars, leaving just the ones I just built.
> The result running this eclipse is that eclipse doesn't even load my patched plugins and the dsf gdb debugging behavior and ui is wrong. Probably a version dependency problem..
> c. Now using a fresh eclipse install. Copy the 2 patched .jar files into eclipse_test2/dropins/. There are still the original unpatched .jars in plugins/.
> Same result as a. The result running this eclipse is that Eclipse Installation Details still shows the old versions of the plugins, but I get some partial expected behavior (pretty print works but opening up a vector doesn't work)
> Thanks,
> T
> On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 2:28 AM, James Blackburn <jamesblackburn@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:jamesblackburn@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> On 22 July 2010 10:21, Beth Tibbitts <tibbitts@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:tibbitts@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> >It looked to me like the thing to do is "Export" "Eclipse Product".
> No, that is for building an RCP product.
> You want to export deployable plug-ins and fragments.
> You could build a set of the plug-ins that you have changed, and your users could apply those to the downloaded CDT installation.
> You just want the version numbers to be greater than the default CDT's so they are recognized.
> On the options tab of the export dialog, the "qualifier replacement" can use today's date and thus it's "greater than" the date that the base CDT was built.
> I think what you build this way, your users could copy into the eclipse/dropins folder to install.
> Alternatively you could build an update site.
> Or alternatively you can install the eclipse centrally and use a shared install. This may make sense if you *nix based and your IT infrastructure means that you have tools installed centrally on shared NFS filers:
> http://help.eclipse.org/help32/topic/org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv/reference/misc/multi_user_installs.html
> Cheers,
> James
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