> Importance: Low
> On 4 June 2010 20:00, John Cortell <
rat042@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > We probably should at all stages, IMO. Quality over quantity.
> I completely agree. The only way to get us out of the build
> mess is to not allow large chunks of undocumented, untested
> code to be committed.
> The problem we have in these areas is the mountain of
> historical cruft that no one understands and I bet no one ever will.
> I'm all for having a policy that any non-trivial change
> should be approved by (at least) one other reviewer. It's a
> great mechanism to ensure that committers think about the
> change they're committing. And submitting patches to bugzilla
> already increases exposure making the committer think twice.
> Should we have a formal policy on this? Does anyone disagree with it?
> John's right, we need to aim for APIs and code quality like
> the platform. It's only fair on the people that will
> eventually take over from us...
> Cheers,
> James
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