I've gone through the DSF and DSF-GDB bugz and updated them as
needed. BTW, there were a few iplog+'s missed.
P.S. Should we call this the bugzilla spam day :-)
On 05/28/2010 08:47 AM, Doug Schaefer wrote:
Help would be much appreciated. Given that almost all of
them are iplog- and don't affect what I need, I'm not too worried.,
I'll hold off pushing the iplog to the EMO until later in the day and
do a quick sweep then. But if there are still a lot, I'll probably just
leave it for now. But I'd hate to miss something.
On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 11:44 AM, John
Cortell <rat042@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
are you requesting help in adjusting the outstanding bugs or just
trying to remedy the situation going forward?
At 10:33 AM 5/28/2010, Doug Schaefer wrote:
Hey gang,
We're quickly coming up to the release review for Helios and I'm
putting the materials together which are due today (-ish).
The great news is that the IP log generation is all automated. So I
don't have to use my own scripts to generate one.
The bad news is that I still want to make sure all patches are marked
with iplog+ (contributed) or iplog- (committer provided) so we catch
everything. Given there are 900+ bugs where this hasn't been done, I'll
gently remind the committers to please mark the patches with one of the
flags, especially when you are attaching your own patch when it's easy
to forget (and I have lots of evidence of that :).
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