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Re: [cdt-dev] codan: lint integration

For "generic" you don't need to do anything. Ones it is integrated
into makefile and it outputs errors
in gcc error format it is good to go. If not you can adjust error
parser which can be done now from
preferences/error parsers page.

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Figuer, Felipe A
<Felipe.A.Figuer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I would suggest c) with C.2) because it is not part of Codan properly
> speaking but it is related.
> By the way.  This is for flexelint integration but what if others want
> to integrate their own tool.
> A new plug-in per static tool integration would be required?  Or
> Are we planning to have a generic static tool integrator plug in?
> Regards,
> Felipe
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> On Behalf Of Alena Laskavaia
> Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 12:15 PM
> To: CDT General developers list.
> Subject: [cdt-dev] codan: lint integration
> I want to write flexelint integration using codan.
> The question is - where do I put it.
> The options are"
> a) do not commit to cdt
> b) make part of current codan examples plugin (would be hard to
> separate if somebody wants just it)
> c) make another plugin in codan
> c.1) just commit to cvs and don't include in ditribution
> c.2) commit as plugin and include in codan feature
> any suggestions?
> If you wondering what it would contain:
> - error parser, customized by flexelint format file (it is not trivial
> because it has multiline errors)
> - extension for problem details which would have a link to problem
> documentation from their web-site
> - possibly some quick fixes (such as adding comment to not show again)
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