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Re: [cdt-dev] Preference panels are now HUGE!!!

Hi Frank,
Build preference panels have issues. There are a few bugs open about problems with layout, for example bug 288648. Sorry about killing you.


On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 11:35 AM, <Frank.Turovich@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
You guys are killing me here. LOL

Many of the preference panels under C/C++ are simply gigantic with fixed widths which make it nearly impossible to get a compact screenshots of the panel. Attempting to resize means clipping off the controls at the right of the panel.

Look at the Build panel, its almost 3 times wider than it needs to be. And its not re-sizeable for easy inclusion in the docs.

Is there an underlying reason why the panels have grown so large?

// frank_______________________________________________
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