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Re: [cdt-dev] make -j8 doesnt work with cmake...

I am not really good expert in cmake, but in gmake -j option does not tell how many processors to use. This option used to allow to run several threads during build if this is possible. If gmake does not see anything to run in several threads if will run it in single thread only. You should not expect usage of 8 cores just because you specified -j8


On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Nicolas Rannou <Nicolas_Rannou@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
When I check the number of cores running during the build (make -j8) (with command "top" for example), only one is working whereas if I build out of eclipse (make -j8) 8 cores are working...

Maybe is that the problem is that I use CDT4 generator and that  I have CDT 6.0 on eclipse....


Alena Laskavaia wrote:
If it is does not work with -j8 for make - it is your makefiles
problems (or make) not cdt. Why do you think it is not working?

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 1:39 PM, Nicolas Rannou
<Nicolas_Rannou@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'm new in eclipse and I encounter some difficulties.

I tried to import my c++ project into Eclipse and to perform a parallel
build using 8 cores but it doesn't work.

I tried the 3 methods proposed in the tutorials
( but no one gives the expected
result. It always builds my project in 1 core, even if use parallel
build/jobs is checked or if I had -j8 manually to the make command...

Maybe should I download new components in eclipse or configure something in
the cmakelists files...?

I use cmake 2.6 and 2.8...


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