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Re: [cdt-dev] Test failures in HEAD

2009/11/22 James Blackburn <jamesblackburn@xxxxxxxxx>:
> 2009/11/22 Sergey Prigogin <eclipse.sprigogin@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<FOO1=BAR1 ; [REPL]> but
>> was:<FOO1=BAR1 : [REPL]>
> Interestingly the ';' is used in the .prefs file, but when loaded it's
> replaced by the Windows ':'.

Heh, clearly the other way round -- I should switch my brain on before typing...

The two failing tests set the .prefs file, load it and check that the
environment matches it expects. The test didn't initialize the
delimiter character in the reference variables hence the failure on

What's good though is that CDT now notices when you change the
environment file under the hood -- be it by a repository update or
manually using a text editor, or whatever. No more project close +
reopen before building :).


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