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Re: [cdt-dev] Launch configurations and recognizing executables

That's what I'd suggest. By all means use the validation to put up a warning, just as long as it doesn't prevent the program from actually being launched.


On Oct 5, 2009, at 11:39 AM, Alex Chapiro wrote:

I checked it and saw this was not a spawner issue, just problem of validation. If I switch validation off it successfully launches iexplorer.exe 64-bit from IDE. At least on Windows for run. So if I understand your request correctly, fixing of this limited behavior doesn't seem to be difficult.

On 05/10/2009 11:01 AM, Greg Watson wrote:
Hi all,

Anyone who has upgraded to Snow Leopard has probably discovered that it now defaults to 64-bit executables, but these are not recognized by the Mach-O parser. Unfortunately it is now impossible to run a 64-bit program from CDT.

A fix for this is in the works, but it raises a bigger question in my mind. Why can't I put whatever I like in the run configuration, as long as it is executable? What if I want to run a script that invokes my program, for example? It is very annoying behavior to be told that I can't run a program, even though I know I can.

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