I happened across Mike
Milinkovich’s blog where he outlines some recent changes to available
license choices for example code. In particular it looks like it’s now permissible
for examples to be licensed under the Eclipse Distribution
License (EDL) as well as the EPL. Recently my team has been working
to port our debugger framework to DSF and we’ve come to the conclusion
that the only accurate source of documentation seems to be the PDA
example. Trying to guess our way into a functional implementation without
using the example code as a base is turning out to be daunting almost to the
point of hopelessness and trying to understand the implications of partitioning
“our” code with different license types in our end product is
making the lawyers nervous. If I’m in this boat then I also imagine
that other companies are struggling with the same adoption issues elsewhere.
We’d dearly love to migrate to DSF but the fact that it can’t be
reasonably done without also giving us a say in the license process seems to be
hindering adoption to some extent.
curious as to what peoples thoughts are regarding licensing the PDA example under
the EDL or even dual licensing under a combined EPL/EDL? It strikes me as
a great way to help encourage wider adoption of the DSF.