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Re: [cdt-dev] patch backlog

Doug Schaefer wrote:
Also on that note, if you mark a bug fixed and there's a patch attached, please also set the iplog to '-'.

Doug, are you sure this is a good idea?  In DD, we've had a policy that we still continue in CDT. to attach a patch for every commit we make to CVS.  I think we can make a habit of adding an -iplog to future bugs, but to do it retroactively will be rather labor intensive.  Also, I think within the former DD components we've been rather diligent in using the iplog flag when needed.


On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Doug Schaefer <cdtdoug@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
BTW, if you apply a patch from a non-committer, please set the iplog flag to '+'. If you apply a patch from a committer, including yourself :), please set it to '-'. I am going through the 625 bugs with patches marked FIXED in the last 12 months to make sure this flag is set and this would be a big help.


On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 3:42 PM, Pawel Piech <pawel.piech@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I think DSF contributed quite a bit to this backlog, but looking at the specific bugs I think this number may be mis-leading.  Often times, I post a patch to a bug with some prototype work or some other supporting material.  It may be more interesting to run the query filtering out patches by committers.


Chris Recoskie wrote:

I just did a bug dump... the query is a bit coarse, but we have more or less 246 outstanding patches. That is too many IMO, and I think we need to spend a bit of time playing catch up on these. Of course not all the bugs will be valid, or some of the patches may not be good, but I think nonetheless we probably should focus on going through as many of these as we can prior to the code freeze. Some of these have been languishing a long time.

I am trying to work through as many of the ones on the build system as I can (I was triaging the entire list, but I think my time is better spent right now triaging the ones with patches attached). I'm hoping that others will be willing to do the same on the other components, as I can't go through two hundred and someodd patches myself.

Here is the bug dump:

246 bugs found.

59041 nor P3 Wind achapiro@xxxxxxx REOP Build for DOS Tools very slow
263178 enh P3 Linu adushistova@xxxxxxxxxxxxx NEW [api][remotecdt] extract API from remotecdt plugin
163531 nor P3 Wind andrew.ferguson@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW add performance testing to overnight build
72965 nor P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx ASSI [Managed Build] Too long build commands get make to fail
87971 nor P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Allow manual builds when autobuild is on.
117013 nor P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Managed Make breaks with "multiple make patterns" when adding an "other objects"
127262 min P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW [Preferences] Consumers of File/Directory FieldEditor values need to quote/escape
133881 nor P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW "Updating project:" is killing me
154208 tri P3 Linu cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW add margins in tools settings block
158940 nor P3 Linu cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Warning about invalid project path
180918 nor P3 All cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW [Patch] MBS does not handle # in file names
185080 nor P3 Linu cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW scanner info change listeners not notified on all option changes
186847 enh P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW CDT internal builder does not support automated command line builds
193279 maj P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Dependencies with whitespaces returned by tool's custom dependency calculator passed to makefile incorrectly by CDT
193284 maj P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Build selected files doesn't work in some cases
193286 maj P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Exclude/Include of the source file from the project causes recompilation of all files
195572 nor P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Environment PATH error under MINGW and CDT 4.0
196561 enh P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW [managedbuilder.gnu] Order of settings differs for C and C++
197387 enh P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW "default" builder selection if no builder is specified with the tool-chain
203102 nor P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Makefile outline doesn't understand "else conditional-directive"
203727 enh P3 All cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Colorization of Build Console
208952 nor P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Managed Build Project Converter can open dialog before UI ready
210248 nor P3 All cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW [Internal Builder]does not rebuild a dependent project in case of a reference library project change
220990 nor P3 Linu cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Optimize for size
222179 nor P3 Linu cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW 'Build project' type depends on selection
222372 nor P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW ManagedBuildManager.saveBuildInfo() is not thread safe
223832 maj P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Clean with internal builder ignores success of clean command.
224640 nor P3 Linu cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Make Targets should be tied to a specific build configuration
227607 nor P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Managed make: overriden opts in folders can damage makefile macros
228861 nor P3 Linu cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW ScannerConfigBuilder is not invoked when Building 'Selected Configurations'
230165 enh P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW renaming a project doesn't update it's default artifact name
230374 nor P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW OutputDirRelPath macro is not opened correctly
231272 nor P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Discovered Includes/Macros disappear after close and open of project
237611 nor P3 Linu cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW pfind requires read and execute permission to run a command
241178 nor P3 All cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW MakeTargetManager implementation should allow to manage arbitrary IMakeTarget not assuming concrete MakeTarget type
245264 nor P3 All cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Makefile is not generated correctly for linked resources in some cases
245276 nor P3 All cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW CDT template engine process for new managed projects forces to specify artifact extension
246119 nor P3 Linu cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Managed Build Linked Resources aren't resolved for IOption FILES and PATHs
247280 nor P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Generated makefile contains incorrect line breaks for Windows
249590 nor P3 Linu cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Cannot cancel property save while building project
250166 min P3 Linu cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Discovery Options: changes from "Restore Defaults" in configuration-wide scope isn't saved
250686 tri P3 Linu cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW changes in debug and optimization level flags not propagated to folder
253876 nor P3 Wind cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Selected configuration is not passed to custom managed builder
254983 nor P3 All cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Unit testing suite for CDT project model
256763 maj P3 Linu cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Can't build Shared Library project on x86_64 without -fPIC parameter for compiler
264704 nor P3 All cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Error parsers can't map error output to files on local filesystem
264715 nor P3 All cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx REOP We need error parsers to locate all files from error output properly
269023 nor P3 All cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW ErrorParserManager is not able to handle non-local EFS projects
275773 nor P3 All cdt-build-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx REOP Old-fashioned look of Make Target View
78039 enh P3 Wind cdt-build-managed-inbox@ecl... ASSI The "All options" field in manage make should be editable
186069 min P3 Wind cdt-build-managed-inbox@ecl... NEW C/C++ Build Settings: Defined symbols stripping quotes during compile
270879 nor P3 Mac cdt-build-managed-inbox@ecl... NEW Add objective c filter
275272 nor P3 Wind cdt-build-managed-inbox@ecl... NEW Incorrect documentation for IManagedOptionValueHandle.EVENT_*
275462 nor P3 Linu cdt-build-managed-inbox@ecl... NEW Build failed due to dependency files with spaces
44160 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW org.eclipse.cdt.utils.Spawner does not give meaningful error message in the thrown Exception
81588 nor P3 HP-U cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW [Help Wanted] Parsers for HP-UX
82744 tri P3 Linu cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Eliminate native compiler warnings when building org.eclipse.cdt.core.linux
85264 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW $(warning text) output from makefiles is parsed as an error rather than a warning
89172 enh P3 All cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx REOP Plan to create ICoreModel interface
92778 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW F1 Help on preference pages doesn't work
93046 enh P3 All cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Make available to plug-in third-party C++ code parser for AST building
103372 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW error occurred while automatically activating bundle org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core
105803 enh P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Full Indexer improvements
115601 nor P3 Linu cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Unable to pass (pre-)include files to the indexer for managed projects.
119618 nor P3 All cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW SpawnerInputStream doesn't overwrite (implement) Methd available()
122601 enh P3 All cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Giving more context to ICHelpProvider implementations
129375 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Unix path separator when adding to FileListControl
131226 enh P3 All cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Proposed UI changes for programming language neutrality
132980 enh P3 Linu cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx ASSI "build make target" should have menu
137151 enh P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Rename CDT core log file
143325 nor P3 Linu cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW CSourceHover should only show prototypes for same-file functions
145737 nor P3 All cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Spawner treats environment differently for Windows and other Platforms
148114 cri P3 Linu cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Move-refactor should be disabled within C/C++ Project view
149227 min P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Open multiple files in C/C++ Projects via keyboard
153475 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Problem of rendering check boxes on tab folder pages
154563 nor P3 All cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx REOP Bindings and File entries are not removed from the PDOM when corressponding source elements are deleted (implement B-tree delete)
157083 min P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.CDescriptor performs unnecessary encoding conversion on save
157625 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Visual C Error Parser doesn't work with Visual Studio 2005 Compiler
158372 enh P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW class NewMakeCCProjectWizard lacks overloaded title/desc constructor
160003 min P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Build Settings tab contents the wrong colour with 'XP Style Windows and Buttons'
167586 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Request to make certain changes to CDT code
168792< /font> nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW AbstractMakefile compares targets incorrectly
172214 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW [patch] Reduce memory usage of CodeReaders in AST
177940 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Should we store some discovered scanner information with the project?
177994 enh P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Support remote projects using EFS
180784 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx REOP hashCode() for pdom and composite bindings
184066 enh P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW [Project Explorer] Make C/C++ context menu and project explorer menu more similar
188465 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Canceling "Add workspace folder" operation doesn't actually cancel
191913 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW ICProjectDescriptionManager.getProjectDescription returns null
196212 min P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW allow model labels to be customized
205214 enh P3 All cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Add file system choice to new project wizard
205299 nor P3 Linu cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Indexer project preference: build configuration for the indexer value is lost
208520 nor P3 Mac cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Adding breakpoints in background doesn't get reflected in UI.
208522 nor P3 Mac cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW ProcessList only displays processes associated with a controlling terminal
210128 enh P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Enhancement: display include files in the common viewer
214619 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW [patch] [class wizard] Base class list filtered incorrectly
219032 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Bad scalability in Elf parser implementation.
219295 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Make error parser reports ignored errors
222495 enh P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW C/C++ search should show line matches and line numbers
226457 cri P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Sharing cdt-project files in repository always causes conflicts
231859 nor P3 All cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx ASSI CVisitor.getExpressionType for binary operators on basic types
236279 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Resource Configuration: modifying file, then modifying parent folder and includes / symbols are not inherited by child
236556 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Editing only the path types does not work in Pathes&Symbols
236872 nor P3 Linu cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Populate CDT Core Model from Dwarf Debug Info
237331 nor P3 Mac cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW CHelpProvider not called for UPC
237448 nor P3 Linu cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Include specifications using build variables are not properly forwared to the system
238081 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW [patch provided] The PE Windows Parser in CDT 4 does not return the global variables.
238919 nor P3 All cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Add default build targets such as Incremental/Full/Clean to Make Target View, organized by configurations
239355 enh P3 All cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Status and border colors in source hover need to be adjustable
243907 nor P3 Linu cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW AbstractCPropertyTab.dispose() is never called
246791 nor P3 All cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW [Refactoring] SelectionHelper returns incorrect region for macros
247021 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Project Explorer view does not refresh when the user changes the active configuration
249795 nor P3 Linu cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Import of Includes from referenced Projects fails
253681 nor P3 All cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW [Import executable wizard] Outline view doesn't display correct data for projects created with this wizard
253744 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW [Import executable wizard] Redundant editor is opened when execution stops at breakpoint
253924 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW [Import executable wizard] Source files appear twice in the binary container and Executable view
259280 enh P3 Linu cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Project Migration Capability
259752 enh P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW language variants design
261287 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx ASSI Includes Grouping can get confused
261289 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Default settingConfiguration unset on new project creation
262988 enh P3 Linu cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW improvement to ErrorParserManager.findFileName?
263673 enh P3 Linu cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW New commands to allow batch capabilities
267026 nor P3 Linu cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW TLS Variables are not shown when "Add Global Variables..." is clicked in debug mode
269313 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW wrong shell focus after multiple configurations selection
272364 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Makefile in org.eclipse.cdt.core.linux needs link options switch (LDFLAGS)
272370 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW org.eclipse.cdt.core.linux/library/openpty.c gets warning during compilation
272373 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW org.eclipse.cdt.core.linux/library/openpty.c contains include of stropts.h which is no longer supported on Linux
273144 nor P3 Wind cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Ability to disable Include directories in project properties
276661 enh P3 Linu cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Add ELF support for the Intel 8051 architecture
277320 nor P3 Linu cdt-core-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx ASSI ASTTypeUtil.getType(.) incorrectly resolves the type name "pointer to function"
222726 nor P3 All cdt-cppunit-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW org.eclipse.cdt.cppunit does not compile
266210 nor P3 Wind cdt-debug-cdi-gdb-inbox@ecl... NEW Error message and termination of GDB Hardware Debugging session (JTAG) when attempting to Restart
269838 nor P3 Mac cdt-debug-cdi-gdb-inbox@ecl... NEW CDT gdb/mi fails to parse result of gdb cmd "thread info"
159688 nor P3 All cdt-debug-dsf-gdb-inbox@ecl... ASSI [commands] Implement MI command control service.
202339 enh P3 Linu cdt-debug-dsf-gdb-inbox@ecl... ASSI [launch] Implement launch attaching to remote GDB server.
213076 nor P3 Linu cdt-debug-dsf-gdb-inbox@ecl... ASSI [breakpoints] Condition string not properly formatted when adding to an existing breakpoint/watchpoint
217898 nor P3 Linu cdt-debug-dsf-gdb-inbox@ecl... ASSI [expressions] _expression_ service does not support GDB 6.6
223154 maj P3 Linu cdt-debug-dsf-gdb-inbox@ecl... ASSI [console] Application writing a lot to the output deadlock.
229288 enh P3 Linu cdt-debug-dsf-gdb-inbox@ecl... ASSI [launch][modules] Variables sysroot should be used
239013 enh P3 Linu cdt-debug-dsf-gdb-inbox@ecl... ASSI [launch] [debug view] Display host name on which process is running
240525 min P3 Linu cdt-debug-dsf-gdb-inbox@ecl... ASSI [commands] MI command better use of context information
240556 nor P3 Linu cdt-debug-dsf-gdb-inbox@ecl... ASSI [expressions] Wrong handling of Thread or Memory/Process context
242105 nor P3 Linu cdt-debug-dsf-gdb-inbox@ecl... ASSI [non-stop] GDB non-stop mode should be turned on by the launch with a single command
242114 nor P3 Linu cdt-debug-dsf-gdb-inbox@ecl... ASSI [run control] Make MIRunControl.MIExecutionDMC private
242234 nor P3 Linu cdt-debug-dsf-gdb-inbox@ecl... ASSI [non-stop] Some events are generated twice
243726 nor P3 Wind cdt-debug-dsf-gdb-inbox@ecl... ASSI [registers] Invalid register names in Register View when tried to debug with a MIPS gdb and DSF
246773 enh P3 Linu cdt-debug-dsf-gdb-inbox@ecl... ASSI [services] Non-stop support should not be in a seperate service
261700 nor P3 Linu cdt-debug-dsf-gdb-inbox@ecl... ASSI [launch] Update version checking for GDB 7
209045 nor P3 Linu cdt-debug-dsf-inbox@eclipse... ASSI [modules]Detail Pane for Module view
217895 nor P3 All cdt-debug-dsf-inbox@eclipse... ASSI [tests] Create a debugger views simulators as a tool for stress-testing view model
236915 nor P3 All cdt-debug-dsf-inbox@eclipse... ASSI [concurrency] Runtime exceptions thrown inside DSF executor are not logged.
241403 enh P3 Linu cdt-debug-dsf-inbox@eclipse... ASSI [commands][cache] isTargetAvailable logic should be outside the command cache
244048 nor P3 All cdt-debug-dsf-inbox@eclipse... ASSI [variables] Expansion state may get lost in variable view when stepping fast.
245454 nor P3 All cdt-debug-dsf-inbox@eclipse... ASSI [update policy] Clean up and refactoring of Update Scopes implementation.
249236 enh P3 All cdt-debug-dsf-inbox@eclipse... ASSI [commands][concurrent] Add a simple data and elements cache utility objects.
259881 nor P3 Wind cdt-debug-dsf-inbox@eclipse... ASSI The methods Sequence.get() and Sequence.get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) have the same implementation
260292 enh P3 All cdt-debug-dsf-inbox@eclipse... ASSI Refactor and migrate DSF and DSF-GDB plugins to CDT.
263001 nor P3 Wind cdt-debug-dsf-inbox@eclipse... NEW [breakpoints] The BreakpointsMediator should provide a "findPlatformBreakpoints" functionality
269044 nor P3 All cdt-debug-dsf-inbox@eclipse... NEW [pda] Add the suspend trigger to the PDA debugger.
39640 enh P3 All cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Package CDT as an Insight killer
42679 nor P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Variables View doesn't handle Unicode
52406 enh P3 Linu cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Debug Exception breakpoint
69284 maj P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW [Help Wanted] problem in Debugging C/C++ projects with Eclipse 3.0 on HP/UX
78368 enh P3 All cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Add (gdb) prompt to GDB console
81351 nor P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW CDT adds only one register group – “main”
93534 enh P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Add pervasive support in stack frames & memory view for inaccessible memory regions
108037 enh P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Child process environment variables
118100 enh P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Request for hardware breakpoint support
121641 nor P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Errors in CDT console view when hovering while debugging
126092 enh P3 Linu cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Display values of custom data types
126128 nor P3 Linu cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW NPE in CDebugCorePlugin upon termination
146092 maj P3 Linu cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW [performance] Stepping over the code in debugger is slow
149044 nor P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Custom debugger environment needs to be updated
150372 nor P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW "Source not found" in Eclipse 3.2.0 + Callisto with latest cygwin 1.5.20-1
167577 nor P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Request to make certain changes to CDT code
167821 nor P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Request to make certain changes to CDT code
168048 nor P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW HP C/C++ Remote Developer plugin submission to CDT
180256 nor P3 Linu cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Launch configurations should support build variables
190423 nor P3 All cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Cannot add globals from external modules to Variables View
191616 nor P3 Linu cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW "gdb Debugger" guess wrong default debugger for 64-bit Linux on POWER
197278 nor P3 All cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Sort the variable names in the variable view
203112 nor P3 Linu cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Cannot run if not debugger exists
207361 enh P3 Linu cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW gdb as ssh command
207742 nor P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW GDBTypeParser does not parse function signature correctly: int (const char *)
212525 min P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Breakpoints are accepted on invalid lines
214454 min P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW If actual number of stackframes is > 100, a dummy stackframe labelled ". . ." does not appear at the bottom
214463 nor P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW During startup of a debug session, a disabled watchpoint is set anyway
215838 nor P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Deadlock among EventManager and Target objects
215953 nor P3 Linu cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Improvement to CLIInfoLine
219207 nor P3 All cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW CDT debug actions in variables view should only be visible if CDT debugger is active.
225330 maj P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Line breakpoints outside projects are broken
231326 nor P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW path given to -data-disassemble not properly escaped/quoted
236838 nor P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Cannot view large array variables due to OutOfMemoryError
237960 enh P3 All cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Provide a feature similar to JDT's detailed formatter
238528 nor P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW User interface does not gets refreshed if commands are typed in upper case
257171 enh P3 All cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Add serial port support for remote debugging (org.eclipse.cdt.debug.gdbjtag)
261783 enh P3 Wind cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW WatchpointTrigger events don't show the watchpoint's _expression_
276570 nor P3 Linu cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW [doc] Add user documentation for Debug view breadcrumb.
277871 nor P3 All cdt-debug-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW [Memory] Externalize strings in plugin.xml and MANIFEST.MF
188001 nor P3 Wind cdt-doc-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW [patch] Missing index and other misc edits
231246 nor P3 Wind cdt-doc-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW [patch] new Executables view docs and images
252637 nor P3 Mac cdt-doc-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Breakpoint Log Action does not explain where log messages appear
269409 nor P3 Linu cdt-doc-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Add DSF plugins to the javadoc reference guide in the ISV doc.
181139 nor P3 Wind cdt-editor-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx ASSI [Editor] Smart paste problems with continuation lines
274973 nor P3 All cdt-editor-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx ASSI Problem when using backslash and ${cursor} in editor templates
275629 enh P3 All cdt-editor-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx ASSI scalability mode popup dialog enhancement
47195 nor P3 Linu cdt-launch-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW linux core file debug tab shows Cygwin debugger
120769 enh P3 Wind cdtdoug@xxxxxxxxx NEW Implement capabilities for CDT
160391 nor P3 Linu cdtdoug@xxxxxxxxx NEW UI bug fixes for cppunit plugin
219659 nor P3 Wind cdtdoug@xxxxxxxxx NEW mingw toolchain defined using internal builder
219010 nor P3 Wind dd.general-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Right clicking outside a selection range should undo selection
227806 nor P3 Wind dd.general-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Traditional Rendering: advance cursor behaviour
227780 nor P3 Wind dd.general-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Traditional Rendering refactoring request
256775 tri P3 Wind dd.general-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW [docs] Missing help context ids
50124 enh P3 All dinglis@xxxxxxx NEW Allow clicking on error messges in Console View
275382 enh P3 Linu eclipse.sprigogin@xxxxxxxxx ASSI Make Rename in File work for include guards
262670 enh P3 All egraf@xxxxxx NEW Added test suites to refactoring packages to ease test development, debugging
216618 nor P3 Wind elaskavaia@xxxxxxx ASSI Format action does not appear for 1st level items in Expressions View
247948 nor P3 Linu elaskavaia@xxxxxxx NEW Linked Resources: Having hit breakpoint debugger shows the wrong source
248422 nor P3 Linu elaskavaia@xxxxxxx NEW Linked Resources: Double clicking in breakpoint view opens wrong source file
255946 nor P3 Wind elaskavaia@xxxxxxx REOP Console output incorrect. Escape charecters should not interpret.
264998 nor P3 Wind elaskavaia@xxxxxxx REOP The GCCSpecsConsoleParser class is not picking up macro definitions with parameters correctly
142465 nor P3 Wind ken.ryall@xxxxxxxxx NEW Exception when expanding binary node in CView
237308 enh P3 Linu marc.khouzam@xxxxxxxxxxxx ASSI [multi-process] Support for multiple inferior processes
265181 nor P3 Linu marc.khouzam@xxxxxxxxxxxx ASSI [run control] Cleanup after failed runcontrol command
274135 nor P3 Linu marc.khouzam@xxxxxxxxxxxx ASSI Support for GDB 7.0
275193 enh P3 Linu marc.khouzam@xxxxxxxxxxxx NEW [tests] Improved DSF-GDB JUnit tests to test different GDB versions
261484 enh P3 Linu markus.schorn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ASSI [Search] add references via polymorphic calls to search
79370 nor P3 Linu Mikhail.Khodjaiants@xxxxxxx NEW problem with structures in Variable and Expressions views
91374 enh P3 Wind Mikhail.Khodjaiants@xxxxxxx NEW CDT launch should set ATTR_PROCESS_TYPE
129349 nor P3 Wind Mikhail.Khodjaiants@xxxxxxx ASSI Source lookup doesn't handle paths properly
156112 nor P3 Linu Mikhail.Khodjaiants@xxxxxxx NEW [Patch] NPE thrown in CDebug Target isInstructionSteppingEnabled
164783 enh P3 All Mikhail.Khodjaiants@xxxxxxx NEW The Edit register group action should allow group name update
172132 enh P3 Wind Mikhail.Khodjaiants@xxxxxxx ASSI Request to add methods to interfaces to support persistence of variable formats
180451 enh P3 Wind mikhail.sennikovskiy@xxxxxxxxx NEW [Build] Build output directory should be selectable for managed build
265882 nor P3 Wind Randy.Rohrbach@xxxxxxxxxxxxx NEW Some service interfaces need cleanup
106152 min P3 All recoskie@xxxxxxxxxx ASSI Unable to use semicolon in stringList options
205257 nor P3 Wind recoskie@xxxxxxxxxx NEW CDTProject creation scalability issue
207078 enh P3 All recoskie@xxxxxxxxxx ASSI new path representation
230185 enh P3 Wind recoskie@xxxxxxxxxx NEW add to project a popup menu to clean all / selected configurations
234860 maj P3 All recoskie@xxxxxxxxxx REOP New Project Wizard using "folders" for project type selection is totally unintuitive
258385 nor P3 All recoskie@xxxxxxxxxx NEW xlC error parser is confused by multiple files with the same name
130089 nor P3 Linu thomasf@xxxxxxx REOP closing c/c++ editor windows is slow
131684 nor P3 Wind thomasf@xxxxxxx NEW Translate GDB output to Java speak
228653 enh P3 Wind vivkong@xxxxxxxxxx NEW [scalability mode] I could use additional options
231581 nor P3 All yi.y.zhang@xxxxxxxxx NEW Overriding Managed Build System toolchain macros through the Workspace doesn't work

Chris Recoskie
Team Lead, IBM CDT and RDT
IBM Toronto

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