Yes, they should work:
Marc Khouzam wrote:
DSF Expressions view test section
some things that I was not aware existed, and was not able to
Adding new _expression_: Using conext menu in var, reg, editor
This is the "Watch" action.
Editing _expression_ values: Editor type (ext vs. drop down, etc.) as
dictated by the _expression_ type
Yes, the RegisterBitFieldVM node allows the user to set the bit field
mnemonic values using a drop-down selector, instead of a text field.
But GDB does not support bit fields or mnemonics, so the only way to
test this feature is using a commecial debugger that does (Wind River's
for example), or the PDA debugger. I implemented mnemonics in the PDA
example debugger a long while back, and I have to admit I haven't
tested it lately.
I'll give it a try in this test cycle and add a procedure to test it on
the test site.
I be able to see such features?
Marc Khouzam
Software Designer, Methods and Tools
Ericsson Canada Inc
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