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Re: [cdt-dev] Static Analysis Framework for CDT

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Dominique Toupin <dominique.toupin@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

In practice I don't think CDT parser has the same info/capability as
GCC, GCC has a lot of info about the code and we can do advance static
analysis (not grep like) with this info.
I am not suggesting to integrate GCC code into CDT, the GCC static
analysis would be an external tool just like GCC/GDB today.
Even if it's an external tool it brings a lot of features to CDT, it's
just like compile (GCC) and debug (GDB) today.

There is a bunch of existing static analysis tools open source as well as commercial. They all have a value of their own. It is fairly easy to integrate to CDT - you can run as a separate make target and use error parsers to generate markers. You may need to write a error parser to parse tool output but this is easy to do extending AbstractErrorParser.


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