I guess I'm not going to get a definitive "go/no go" answer to my
dilemma. So based on my judgment, the feedback, and alternatives, I'll
go ahead and commit the common launchers. I'll also take an action
item to work in the platform to make it possible to pre-select the
launcher based on the current context in the system.
Pawel Piech wrote:
Schaefer, Doug wrote:
I guess this is the point I
promised to step in with my comments on the common launcher.
The vision I had for a common
launcher was probably bigger than we can do in Galileo, but I'd like to
throw it out there. Essentially, I'd like to hide the fact that we have
two debug frameworks from the end user. I don't think we can expect
them to choose between CDI and DSF any more than we can :). But
honestly, I don't think they'll even understand what the acronyms mean.
What I was hoping we could
provide is a new set of launchers that allow the user to select a
debugger, and that would be the key to whether it uses DSF or
CDI. There's too much knowledge of CDI in the existing launchers to
allow us to reuse them for this, or the DSF guys would have done that
from the start. So we need some new development there and probably a
refactoring of the launch config types and properties and tabs to
ensure they work for both.
I completely agree with you and I think creating the common launch
configs is a step in that direction. Unfortunately our use case goes
beyond what the original launchers framework was designed to do, so
we'll have to extend it to get the complete workflow that we want.
As it is right now, DSF-GDB has its own launch configurations which are
arguably equally confusing, so I feel we should do something. Note
that if one of the features is not present, i.e. if DSF-GDB feature is
not installed, the launch configurations appears the same. So to keep
things less confusing for the users we could leave out DSF-GDB from the
CPP bundle download, as an alternative to defining a CDT product.
But that was my hope. If someone
has the time to whip something like that together quickly, we'd be
clear of this, but my sense is that it could be a lot of work to get it
working and to keep things like the launch shortcuts and the auto
launch picker thing working. And what doesn't help is that the debugger
vendors tend to have their own separate launch configs so I'm not sure
how much help we could hope from them.
Helping vendors is actually where I think the common launch
configurations can be very useful. The launch configurations
themselves are just a placeholder (no UI, no launch delegate), so
vendors could easily add their own launchers. Through product
customization mechanism, they could also make their debugger the
default over GDB.
BTW, I should also mention that the UI and the logic behind the
multiple launchers can be made better in Platform, but it's too late
for it in Galileo time frame.
Pawel Piech wrote:
I've run into a new problem trying to create common launch
configurations for CDT. In short, I have the common launch
configurations ready to be committed, but they present something of a
new workflow challenge for users. If a user installs both of the
following optional features:
1) CDT GNU Toolchain Debug Support
2) GDB DSF Debugger Integration
he will be presented with the a launch configuration that requires him
to choose a launcher (see attached screen caps).
This problem could be avoided by creating a CDT product which could for
the Eclipse C/C++ bundle, (instead of the standard Eclipse platform
product used now). I'm not really sure what would be other benefits or
disadvantages of doing this, but it seems like a big change to satisfy
this one problem.
I'm looking for guidance on how big an issue this is for everyone and
whether to commit the common launch configurations patch. I also
wonder what people think of defining a CDT product?
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