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Re: [cdt-dev] ScannerInfoCollector, MBS inputType and code indexer questions

I don't remember in details this design, but I believe if in debug session you would set breakpoint in DiscoveredPathManager.getDiscoveredInfo, create simple MMB "Hello" project and trace after stop on this breakpoint, you'll get an idea how it works.



On 04/02/2009 4:43 AM, Mario Pierro wrote:

I am trying to integrate a custom C/C++, non-gcc-like toolchain using

While the build process is resolving all dependencies between files
correctly, the CDT code indexer fails to resolve dependencies between
headers and source files. As an example, it is failing to navigate to
declarations performed in header files. The toolchain uses a
IManagedDependencyCalculator implementation to determine dependencies,
and that works.

I have tried to use the scannerConfigDiscoveryProfileId attribute in the
inputType options of the tools to associate a custom scanner in order to
resolve dependencies, but this seems to only work when a
sourceContentType is defined and only with a gcc-like compiler. The
classes that implement the scanner profile are pointed out in a

It is unclear to me what the relation between the following elements is:
- a tool's inputType
- the inputType's scannerConfigDiscoveryProfileId
- the inputType's sourceContentType / dependencyContentType as opposed
to sources/dependencyExtension attributes
- the inputType's languageId
- the toolchain's IManagedDependencyCalculator

Questions are:

1) Is the code indexer using the dependency information received from
the toolchain's IManagedDependencyCalculator? Or does it need a
dedicated scanner?

2) Do I need to define a custom sourceContentType for my scanner to be
invoked? Or can I reuse the CDT-defined types
(org.eclipse.cdt.core.cSource, etc.)?

2) Can the scanner discovery work also when the
sources/dependencyExtension attributes are used to specify the tools
inputs based on file extension?

Thanks in advance for your help!


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