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Re: [cdt-dev] Debugging toolchain definitions

Jesper Eskilson wrote:


I've been using the MBS documentation to create a toolchain definition
for one or our compilers, but I've run into a major obstacle: the
internal builder does not work. The makefile builder works fine, but the
internal builder simply states "Nothing to build for ...".

How to CDT developers usually go about when debugging toolchain
definitions? Are there debug printouts to switch on which may shed some
light on the problem, or do you need to start stepping through the CDT
source code?

This is starting to sail up as a really major issue. I would very much
be able to ship our toolchain without any dependencies on an external
make tool.

Well, I've done some further progress. Something is broken with how the resource deltas are being calculated. (Maybe the makefile builder works because it doesn't rely on resource deltas.)

As far as I've been able to pin down, the method ResourceDeltaFactory#computeDelta() returns a valid, but empty, delta. I tried to dig deeper, but my knowledge of resource deltas is not good enough to actually be able to make anything out of it.


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