In retargetting CDT’s debugger to work with my employer’s
chip architecture, we’ve experienced some recurring problems with timeout
exceptions originating from the “postCommand0” method in “org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.MISession”.
I’m writing for some general advice...
We’re currently using CDT 3.1.2. Have there been
changes in this area that are available in 4.0 ?
Also: This problem typically hits us when a user runs
their application on our simulator, rather than our hardware. The
simulator is a Linux-based program which supports remote connections from GDB.
We’ve found in the past that simply increasing the timeout limit
helps. But then someone encounters a timeout again and we scratch our
heads and wonder whether to increase the timeout again (it’s 20 seconds
now...), or whether we should make some other change. For instance, we’re
considering overriding “postCommand0” in our own sub-class so that
- before throwing the timeout MIException - the method displays a dialog to the
user, informing the user of the lack of response from GDB, and asking the user
whether he/she wants to keep waiting or not.
Does that seem like the right approach? If so, should
it be rolled into the mainline CDT code-base? If it’s not a good
idea, anyone have any other suggestions?
Although increasing the timeout has helped make this a
relatively rare problem, it is frustrating because the cause of the slow GDB
response is a mystery... Maybe I’m missing something?
Thanks in advance,
Wagner, Senior Software Development Engineer
1900 West Park Drive, Suite 290
Westborough, MA 01581