Thanks, Pawel. I haven't followed the DSF progress
recently, is there already an implementation of the disassembly view or you are
just planning it?
The reason I am asking is that we (ARM) are about
to start working on the disassembly view and the requirements are basically the
same that were discussed a year ago at DSDP DD conference calls. We
are planning to contribute it to CDT if the community agrees. If we
coordinate our efforts with DSDP, both projects will only benefit from
it. Are you interested in doing it?
Since most if not all CDT debugger actions act against the standard
debug model extensions, I believe we can integrate DSF with existing CDT views
and actions without much trouble. If we run into problems we will file
patches. One exception may be the disassembly view(editor) which will
probably require a new API and a CDI
Cheers Pawel
Mikhail Khodjaiants wrote:
Hi Pawel,
My questions was more about the debugger
related UI components (views and actions) we currently have in CDT and
how these components would coexist with DSF. My concern is that if DSF
contributes similar views and actions we will have duplicates which is
definitely not a good thing. What do you
Doug Schaefer
Mikhail K was interested in our
plans for integrating DSF into the core CDT. I guess, in summary, my plan is
to move the host development support to whichever framework works best and
has the most contributors working on it. But the goal is to support both DSF
and CDI and allow tools integrators to make the choice. And that includes
ensuring the two play nicely
This brought up a question I
have. Is anyone really working on making sure host development works? I did
a lot of work in CDT 4 to make sure MinGW worked and to help Cygwin along. I
will likely stop working on cygwin in the future since my efforts there will
be on supporting the CDT for Windows distribution which is based on MinGW.
I’m not sure anyone is working on making sure Linux tools integrations
continue to work, although that is probably the easiest and we’ve been lucky
enough that there aren’t many issues there. I do know we have a lot of
issues on Mac OS X, which does make up a significant and growing part of our
community. All of the committers are focused on making sure their commercial
tools integrations continue to work, which they have all the right to. But
how do we make sure the problems that the community is having with host
development get addressed. Finding contributors with vested interest in
these platforms would be the best approach. Linux should theoretically be
easy, but I’ve almost given up hope for Windows, thus the CDT for Window
distro to help focus effort there, and I have no idea about
Mac… We decided that
for reference implementation of DSF that we will focus solely on the Linux
platform running the latest version of GDB. However, our intention is to
make it possible to create platform-specific (and even version-specific) GDB
integrations that mostly reuse common components, but which can be maintained
independently from each other. Hopefully this will make it easier for
the community interested in a specific platform to take ownership of
maintaining it, while keeping the core implementation free of strange legacy
Cheers Pawel
A reminder to register for the
CDT Summit, where this debug issue will be likely front and center. We need
to make sure we invite the Platform Debug team as
We continue to have no requests
to branch off the CDT 4.0.1 work. Until we have one, HEAD will continue to
be the 4.0.x stream.
Schaefer, QNX Software
Systems Eclipse CDT Project Lead,
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