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Re: [cdt-dev] Enhancement for CDT search dialog

Leherbauer, Anton wrote:
I'll answer the simple questions:
Thankx :-)

- rectangular selection in the Editor

That's one of the most wanted editor enhancements.
Ok,.. and I've found a plugin in the meantime that adds lots of rectangular selection capabilities :-)

- that features that jEdit's "whitespace"-plugin has
If I only knew what the jEdit whitespace plug-in does...
Anyway, making whitespace characters visible is an Eclipse 3.3 feature.
Uhm It's able to:
- Display trailing, inner and/or leading spaces
- Display trailing, inner and/or leading tabs
(perhaps it would be great to generally suppurt whitespace, even the different kinds of non breaking spaces in Unicode)
- Display control characters
- Dispaly paragraph markers (although that's somewhat questionable)

- a general indenting algorithm (not sure if this has been implemented
in Eclipse or at least for CDT in the meantime)

CDT 4.0 has support for configurable (auto-)indenting and formatting.
Ah I see, does it "only" suppurt the indenting of functions or can every block (if, switches, etc.) be indented?

Anyway, the main reason for my post was the hypersearch feature ;)

Best wishes,
fn:Mitterer, Christoph Anton
n:Mitterer;Christoph Anton

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