Hi all,
As part of fixing the Bug 181021 ([Project
Model]Source location and "exlude from build" settings are
inconsistent), I’ve committed some small modifications to the
CConfigurationData model (used/provided by ConfigurationDataProvider extension
point). Namely:
- CConfigurationData: IPath[]getSourcePaths()
and void setSourcePaths(IPath[]) were replaced with the ICSourceEntry[]getSourceEntries()
and void setSourceEntries(ICSourceEntry[]) respectively
- CResourceData: boolean
isExluded() and void setExcluded(boolean) methods were removed
The ICProjectDescription/ICConfigurationDescription
model is not affected, the exclude state is calculated completely based upon
the source entries now making these two settings always consistent with each
The change may affect custom
CConfigurationDataProvider implementers, so let me know if you have any
problems with this change and I can put all removed methods back implementing backward
compatibility with the newly added methods.