Ok, that’s really
great that we’ve managed to find the root of the problem!
I’ll try to fix it
> What should I do know with those projects of
mine? Should I delete them all and recreate everything from the scratch (I
rather wouldn't, but if I have to...)? Or, this might be fixed in the next
release of CDT perhaps?
For the “non-broken”
old-style make projects (i.e. those that were NOT created on top of the
previously existing old make projects) you can use the “Convert to a
C/C++ Make Project” wizard to convert them to the new-style make
projects. The wizard is accessed by “File”->”New”->”Other..”
-> “C++” or “C” -> “Convert to a C/C++ Make
Project”. The wizard will allow you to convert any non-CDT and old-style
make projects presented in the workspace to the new style make project format.
NOTE: the general way of
importing existing project into the workspace is importing them rather than
creating a new project on top of the already existing one. To import the
project go to “File” -> “Import” -> “General”
-> “Existing Projects into the Workspace” -> point to
your project’s location -> select projects to be imported -> press “Finish”
As for the “broken”
old-style make projects (i.e. those that were created on top of the previously
existing old make projects)
You can do the following:
I. In case the existing project
settings are not valuable for you (e.g. make target settings, etc.), you can
just remove the CDT/Eclipse system files from your project directory (i.e. the
.project, .cdtproject and .cproject files) and create a new project on top of
that directory
II. In case you are
willing to keep the project settings, you could do the following hack:
NOTE: this will be
possible starting from the next CDT build only or using sources from HEAD.
1. remove the .cproject file from the broken project drectory (don’t
mix it up with the .project and .cdtproject files that should be kept)
NOTE: the workspace containing the project should be closed.
2. import the project into the workspace or just open the workspace
containing the broken project and convert it using the wizard
NOTE: The project with removed .cproject file will be broken and
will not function until it is converted, so you should convert that project as
soon as you remove the .cproject file.
Fedja Jeleskovic [mailto:mrawd2@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 8:47
To: Sennikovsky, Mikhail
Cc: CDT General developers list.
Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] Build
problem - no errors presented!
I realized yesterday that my project files (those I zipped and attach to the
bugs) where never cleaned up, so you are 100% correct. But, that could also be
an issue regarding the compatibility with previous versions of the project
So, yesterday I created another project and this time I deleted all of the old
files so everything was brand new. That is where I realized that error massaging
is broken, so this couldn't have anything to do with that!
What should I do know with those projects of mine? Should I delete them all and
recreate everything from the scratch (I rather wouldn't, but if I have to...)?
Or, this might be fixed in the next release of CDT perhaps?
On 3/16/07, Sennikovsky,
Mikhail <mikhail.sennikovsky@xxxxxxxxx
> wrote:
Hi Fedja,
Never mind, having your sample project I seem to
find the problem. Your project contains both old-style make natures and
builders as well as new ones.
I was able to create the similar project in case
the new-style project is created in the directory containing the old-style make
project (isn't it your case by the way? J ).
It seems that you bugs https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=177458
and https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=177454 have
the same source.
I'll fix this issue and we'll see how things will
I'll also investigate the problem with error
From: Fedja
Jeleskovic [mailto:mrawd2@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 7:46
To: CDT General developers list.;
Sennikovsky, Mikhail
Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] Build
problem - no errors presented!
Hi Mikhail,
Thanks for checking into this one as well! Unfortunately, I always turn the
auto build off, so that couldn't be the case.
Also, not the see where the errors are (little red triangles on the failed
file(s) and parents folders is also a big problem that used to work pretty good!
3/16/07, Sennikovsky, Mikhail <mikhail.sennikovsky@xxxxxxxxx>
I guess I understand the root of the problem now.
Could you check whether the Autobuild is enabled in your workspace
("Project"->"Build Automatically" menu selected)? I
guess the "make all" build is an autobuild that somehow gets
initiated as a result of the make target build. I'll investigate why this is
happening and will fix the problem.
I guess that the https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=177454
(Make Target build fails to build subcomponents) has the same nature as the
problem you report here.
Please try disabling the autobuild an let me know
if this fixes the top level "make all" being invoked when invoking
the custom target.
Hi there,
I was just trying the latest builds with hope that some of my problems might go
away, but instead I found another show stopper from the latest build. This time
I am using M5eh SDK build with CDT 0315 on x86 Linux OS running through the
XMing emulation on MS Windows XP Pro.
When I have created a Make Targets (a typical pair of make all and make clean)
and executed one that should run make only with no arguments, my build failed.
It was a legitimate error, but there was no markings on any of the files under
the C++ Project where you would usually see a RED triangle pointing to the
problem file(s).
Then I realized that Console window doesn't show the latest error text but
rather a different content:
make all
make: *** No rule to make target `all'. Stop.
For some reason text that was showing the error got replaced with the above
text which made things even worse. Now I had no way to know what exactly failed
and where it was. On the top of that it was showing that it attempted to run
"make all" command which I have never specified in my make target.
Am I doing something wrong here or this is just a bug?
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