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[cdt-dev] MBS valueHandler issue


I've written ManagedOptionValueHandler and an MBSCustomPage and all (was) working OK.

In the Runnable() of my MBSCustomPage, I was setting a tool option by using option = tool.getOptionByID(). However, I changed it to use tool.getOptionToSet(). Both methods successfully sets the options.

However, now, when I close Eclipse, I get the following error:

Managed Build system manifest file error: Could not load value handler com.crt.advproject.custom.OptionHandler in option

Tracing it through to the class loader, the error is actually caused by the following error:

The class "com.crt.advproject.custom.OptionHandler" cannot be loaded because the system is shutting down and the plug-in "com.crt.advproject" has already been stopped.

So, my question is:
Which mehtod should I be using to get the option to set:
getOptionByID(id) or getOptionToSet(getOptionByID(id))?

If the latter, how do I stop the manifest file error from occuring?



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