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Re: [cdt-dev] Problems with indexing/searching

Also, I was using the "FAST" indexer and it took nearly 4 hours to index my project!! Is that expected or is something simply hosed?


Sergey Prigogin wrote:
Exactly my experience. See bugzilla 155324 <>.


On 10/12/06, *James Hawkins* <truiken@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:truiken@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    On 10/12/06, Larry Streepy <larry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    <mailto:larry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
     > I've updated to the latest versions of the CDT and I'm still having
     > trouble with the indexer.
     > Here's some environmental data:
     > Running on CentOs (Linux variant)
     > Eclipse version 3.2.1
     > CDT version
     > My project is big, but not massive (roughly 250,000 lines of C++
     > First, I just couldn't seem to get it to index my code properly
    at all.
     >   The indexer would run for less than a minute and emit no
    messages, so
     > I thought things were just fine.
     > Then I would try to do a navigate to a type (Navigate->Open Type) and
     > I'd start typing in the name of *any* of the classes defined in
    my code
     > and none of them are present.  The only things present seemed to be
     > coming from some of my system includes, but nothing from my code
     > I tweaked a lot of settings and then told the indexer to run and
    off it
     > went (and has been going for more than an hour now).
     > I looked in the eclipse .log file and I'm seeing several
     > StackOverflowError messages being emitted, so something is definitely
     > off with the indexer.  Here's a portion of one of the stack traces:
> ...

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