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Re: [cdt-dev] Re: Extending Standard Make CC Wizards

> I'm having trouble finding the plug-in that has the extension
> "org.eclipse.ui.cradle.newWizards".

The extension point should be 'org.eclipse.ui.newWizards', someone
subconsiously sneeked 'cradle' in ;-)

> Also, will this actually change the title and description of the project
> creation wizard, or the entry in the project wizard list (File -> New ->
> Project)?  Because I need to change the project creation wizard.

It will only affect the entry in the project wizard list.
To change the project creation wizard title/description you can:

A. derive your own class from NewMakeProjectWizard, copy/paste the
NewMakeCCProjectWizard stuff in it and change title/description.

B. create a patch for NewMakeCCProjectWizard adding the constructor
you require. You still need to derive your own class, but the yucky
copy/paste step can be avoided.


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