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[cdt-dev] Cerp major release (Version 1.0.0)


Finally we made it :-)

We have finished the first major release of Cerp.
Update site:

Version(1.0.0) includes:
- HideMethod
- Separate Class     (If there is more than one class in the same header/implementation file they can be separated)
- Extract Baseclass  (Like "Extract Interface" in Java)
- Implement Method   (Move implementation of a method from headerfile to classfile)
- Declare Method     (Create declaration of a method in the headerfile from the implementation in the classfile)
- Synchronize Method (Synchronization of methods in the headerfile and the implementation file)

Known issues:
- If the File doesn't end with an empty line Cerp doesn't work properly
- The comments won't be recognized if they are in a class or method declaration
  like ( class /*comment*/ test{ )

As we mentioned before the goal of our work is to provide a useful help for the "ordinary" programming work in Eclipse.
It isn't an all working solution for every C++ speciality but we are sure it will save some stupid typing.

- CDT >= 3.0.0
- Java 1.5

We are looking forward to receive some feedback...


Christian Cavegn
Guido Zgraggen

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