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Re: [cdt-dev] What is the fragment libraries for?

> So, I've been working on the CDT a while now and thought I knew what the 
> libraries in the core fragments were for. Having just tried out the CDT on 
> a new platform, I'm not sure anymore. Everything seems to work even though 
> I didn't port the libraries to that platform. Can someone explain this to 
> me? How can I tell things are broken?
 - Java-1.3.x will spawn one DOS command prompt everytime(Seems to be fix in the 1.4)
   you Runtime.getRuntime().exe(...)  no good. We use our own spawning.

 - Interrupting a running process, can not do that in java, vital for the debugger
   to suspend the process.
 - When debugging(on GNU/Linux, QNX, etc...) doing 
		printf("Hello world\n");
   will not appear right away, leading to __lot__ of PR.
   On most libc, the policy to flush for stdout/stdin on a pipe, it is file buffer
   not line buffer.  We have to create Pseudo terminals.

   note: Doing this on Solaris(using pty) gdb can no longer suspend ... $#&@$*...sigh..

- Attaching with to a running process, java has no notion of PID, this is architecture
  dependent.  For example, on GNU/Linux, we manage not to use any JNI/C code by, just using the "/proc"
  filesystem to get the PID list etc..

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