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Re: [cdt-dev] Updated CDT 2.0 Plan

Forgot to mention -- the format of the text hover prop files is dead simple, and part of the package is a way of setting a path the extension can scan to look for the prop files. This will allow you to create your own prop files and stick them in convenient places.

So if I don't have time to do gtkmm now, it will be trivial to add it later w/o replacing the entire package. Plus, if you're writing something complex, you can write a prop file for your app as you write the app and get descriptions of your own internal functions. (I had gcc-level complexity apps -- hundreds (thousands?) of internal fcns -- in mind for this.)

Chris Moller wrote:

Douglas Schaefer wrote:

Cool! This would help me with the little GTK app I've started writing (hint, I could use gtkmm. wink, wink, nudge, nudge).

Haven't heard of gtkmm, but I'll take a look at the existing docs. I get the pop-up data from property files derived from the library docs. Unfortunately, the docs of most libs don't exist in an easily parsed form, so it can be difficult to create the prop files.

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